Chapter 3

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Fortress of Solitude
3:29 pm

The Bio-Ship roars as it lands on the snowy tundra of the Artic. The Team activate their polar stealth uniforms.

"Great seeing just the six of us working together like the early days." Said Artemis.

"Agreed. I've forgotten what it felt like." Admitted Kaldur. "Let us proceed."

The Team walks up to the door with the House of El emblem (Superman S).

"Kid, vibrate your molecules and unlock the door." Ordered Aqualad. Wally proceeds to vibrates through the door. After 29 seconds the door opens and The team walks in. They find Wally with a bloody nose taking some tissues out of a tissue box on a floating table.

"You still get nose bleeds from vibrating through walls?" Asked Artemis with her hand on her hip.

"Remember that time you fought Reverse Kid-Flash, where is that speedster?" Asked Robin.

"Ha ha very funny Bird Brain." Said Wally as he finished cleaning up his nose. The team enter the grand hall were A long table sat in the center. The back of the chairs had the emblems of each of the main seven's emblem.

"I call Batman's Seat!" Yelled Robin jumping over Wally.

"No duh Rob." Said Wally walking over to Flash's Seat. Aqualad sits at Aquaman's seat, Miss M at Manhunter's. Artemis chooses Wonder Woman's seat after not seeing one for Arrow. Must be an exclusive club table. Superboy approaches Clark's seat at the head of the table. He is a little hesitant to take his seat. Filling big shoes, even if it was just to conduct strategy. 

Robin types away at his arm communicator.

"How does he get wifi here?" Whispered Wally to Artemis.

"Strange. The Belt should be here but it's not. Then why am I still getting a ping?" Asked Robin.

"Under the table." Said Conner looking with his Supervision. It was a bat shaped tracker normally on the utility belt, but was taken off. Most likely by the perpetrators.

"Great we have no way of finding them how. The trail is cold for now." Said Robin.

"Ha ha ha nice one, get it cause we're in the Arctic." Laughed Wally, causing half the group to smile or roll their eyes.

"Are the ZetaTubes still offline?" Asked Megan. Flying over to the Zetatubes. She spots scratch marks and bullet shells.

"Hey guys, look at this!" Yelled Megan. Wally and the others race over. Robin examines the bullet shells.

"Semi-Automatic machine gun. About half of the bullets. And The black streak marks look like that of a car tire that burns the ground when making a sharp stop, or a Speedster."

"Might have been Flash." Said Robin.

Wally kneels down and sees imprints in the snowy corner of the corridor. The footprints seem to appear out of thin air. "No look. There are footprints here. Starting with the person's left foot. Uncle Barry is right handed, and so leads with his right foot."  

"So you're saying someone other than Flash ran in circles and another shot bullets at the Justice League and lost?!" Asked Artemis.

Robin continues to look at his arm communication device. Suddenly Superboy slowly fell to the ground in pain. Clenching his chest as if someone was slowly squeezing his heart. 

"Superboy!" Cried M'Gann.

"It... Feels... Like... Kryptonite." He stammers out. Robin looks at the hologram.

"Def signs of Kryptonite Radiation." Said Robin. "We can take the bullets back to the Cave and analyze them."

"Good let us leave. We've found all that we need." Aqualad commands as the team heads back to the Bio-Ship.  

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