Chapter One

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Mount Justice
12:16 pm

It's been five days without a mission and The Team are enjoying their time of relaxation. Robin, Wally, Aqualad, Miss Martian, Conner, and Artemis are hanging out in the living room like old times. Wally and Robin are playing video games, The girls are reading a magazine, and Conner and Kaldur are eating some chips while watching Wally and Robin Play.

"Yes! 3-0 I win!" Yelled Robin.
"No fair, the buttons weren't fast enough."

"Saids the guy who has super speed, maybe the buttons can't register all that tapping." Chuckled Robin. 

"Oh shut up D......" Wally began but quickly caught himself. Robin's eyes grew wide from Wally almost revealing Robin's secret identity.

"Recognize, The Flash 04."

Wally races Over to the ZetaTube to see his uncle.

"Flash!" Wally comes speeding in but skids to a stop as Barry lays on the ground cut and bruised.

"Oh my god...Barry!" Wally races over to the a Flash as the others come rushing in.

"Get him to the medical bay Now!" Ordered Aqualad.

Flash lays in bed unconscious. Wally paces around the room as Artemis watches Wally.

"Who could have done this?!" Wally whispered to himself.

"Captain Cold? No. Heatwave? No. Grodd?! No."

"Wally just sit down, please and let's just wait till Barry wakes up. Then we'll ask him." Artemis pleaded.


Meanwhile in the meeting room, Robin, Aqualad, Miss Martian and Superboy communicate with Black Canary who is based at the Watchtower.

"So he just came through the Zetatubes and collapsed on the floor?" Asked Canary.

"Yes. We tried contacting Batman and Superman. Both with no response" Said Aqualad.

"Besides Flash, The main Seven of The JLA missing, Zetatubes offline, and heroes like Captain Marvel, Captain Atom, Icon, and both Green Lanterns Besides Hal are off world or we can't contact due to zetatubes." Black Canary stated. "Green Arrow and I are stuck up here in the Watchtower as well. Better not tell him about the Zetatubes, he hates it up here."

"What are you getting at?" Asked Superboy.

"Until we can find the Main seven of the JLA besides Flash who is out cold by what I'm reading; The league is scattered. If a threat could occur for instance like an alien invasion or a terrorist nukes New York, then we are screwed." Said Black Canary.

"Robin, Kid Flash, Miss Martian, Superboy, Artemis and I will find the remaining main Seven Members of the JLA." Said Aqualad.

"Kaldur are you sure?" Asked Canary.

"Until The JLA is 110% functional, we can't have that risk." Said Robin.

"Alright. I'll contact some doctors from Star Labs to fix the Zetatubes as fast as Possible." Said Canary. "Black Canary out."

Wally and Artemis walk into the meeting room as the team calculates a plan.

"The last ping I got from Batman's Utility Belt is near the Fortress of Solitude." Said Robin looking at his holographic scanner.

"Pack the Bio Ship. We have a job to do." Ordered Kaldur. 

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