Chapter 19

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***Took some time. 'Cause I've ran out of energy. Playing someone. I've heard I'm supposed to be***

The next day I wake up with an enormous smile on my lips. I can still feel Louis' touch on my body, his fingers gently tracing my skin nad his lips tangled with mine.

When I leave my bed, I take a long warm bath. I even add some bath bubbles, because I like the way bubbles feel on my skin. It's like touching a cloud. So light and so beautiful. I've always loved to find beauty in everything. 

When I enter the living room after a very satisfying bath, the door bell rings.

Who can that be? I'm not expecting anyone.

I slowly open the front door and there stands my lovely sister.

"Harry!" she screams and pulls me into a tight hug.

"Gemma, hi. What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Can't I just visit my baby brother," she pouts when we pull away.

"Ehm, sure. Come in."

She enters my house and automatically takes a seat on the sofa. 

"So, what's new in your life?" 

I kissed Louis. I kissed Louis. I kissed Louis.

"Nothing," I shrug.

"Oh, come on Harry. There must definitely be something."

After a while I tell her about the time I listened to Louis' songs and stuff like I bought a new suit. But I leave out the fact that I kissed Louis. I still don't know what that means. He still has a fiancée and I am with Kendall. It's not easy. Again.

"And what about you, Gem?"

"Well I-" There is a sound that interrupts her. In a second I recognize the song, because it's from my new album. It's Sunflower Vol. 6. She has my song as her ringtone!

"Hello?" she answers the phone.

"Yes....okay....I get it....definitely....I'll be right there." She hungs up.

"I'm so sorry Harry, but I have to go," she apologizes. I'm sad that she can't stay longer, but I get it. When duty calls, you just have to go.

"That's okay."

I walk her to the front door and give her a hug.

"Call me when you'll be bored."

"Of course I will, baby brother. So see you."

One last wave and I close the door.

It was so good to see my sister. My family means the world to me and I'll be forever grateful for them. 


@louist91 Hi, can I come over? I wanna see you.

It's kinda late, when Louis texts me. It's 10 pm and I'm a bit tired. Doing nothing all day is exhausting.

@Harrystyles Sure, I wanna see you too x.

@louist91 Perfect, I'm on my way xx.

Half an hour later, the door bell rings. I open the front door and Louis stands there in all his beauty. He's wearing a black hoodie. It looks huge on him and you just wanna hug him until he can't breathe. 

"I brought food!" he announces with a smile and raises one hand with a bag full of McDonald's

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"I brought food!" he announces with a smile and raises one hand with a bag full of McDonald's.

"Great, come in." I open the door widely and give him a quick hug. 

We enter my living room and take seats on the couch. We don't sit exactly beside each other, there is room at least for two other people. 

"So what did you bring?" I ask, my eyes pointing to that bag. I might be a bit tired, but I'm still hungry. 

"Well, some sausage mcmuffins with eggs, chocolate milkshake, ice tea and fries."

"You brought my favorite?" 

"For sure I did," he smiles and that's the smile I've fallen in love with.

"Thank you." I know my eyes are sparkling. He still remembers what I like and that means a lot.

We eat while talking about our days. He's been working the whole day and he had to go out with Eleanor for a coffee, because management needed new photos of them. I roll my eyes imagining those photos of a "lovely couple". 

After we finish the food, it's almost midnight. It's so late, so I offer him to stay here over night, because I don't want him to drive that late. 

I'm not ready to sleep with him in the same bed, but I also want to be close to him. So I set a mattress up for him. Both of us go to bed and after 'good nights', I turn the lamp off. 

I try to fall asleep, but I can't. I keep thinking about Louis being so close right now. I could just move one meter and fall down on him. I might try it and say it was an accident.

"Are you asleep?" Louis whispers.

"No," I say after a while.

"You know, I've been thinking and I've changed my mind."

"About what? Me?" I am afraid, what if he thinks I'm not worth it again. I didn't even get him back and now he wants to leave me again. I can't handle that.

"No, you silly," he chuckles. "About the whole 1D reunion."

"What do you mean?" 

"I lied. I don't have everything I've ever wanted right now. I pretend to be someone I'm not. I'm about to marry my friend, not the only person I've ever trully loved. I make my own music, which is incredible, but I miss you guys. I miss touring with you all. I miss rehearsals with my band mates. I miss joking around with Zayn, laughing with Niall and pissing Liam off. But most of them all, I miss you. The nights we spent in hotel rooms all around the world, talking all night and not caring about anything else, because we had each other. I miss those times and I want it all back. I want you back," his voice is a bit shaky and I'm also close to crying. 

"Louis, I- I miss you too," I whisper.

He sits up and stares into my eyes. I can't see him properly bacause it's dark, but I feel his eyes on me.



"Would you mind if I hug you right now?" he asks.

"Not at all. You don't even have to ask." I lift the blanket and he slips right under it. He lays on his back and has one of his arms around me, while I place my head on his chest. It's so comfortable and it feels like home.

We both fall asleep with smiles on our lips and warmth in our hearts.


Hey guys!

Hope you liked this chapter. The ending was pretty cute, don't you think?

1D reunion might be sooner that we expected!

Vote and comment <3

Mary x

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