Chapter 9

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***When you give so much, but it's not enough. When the high's too high, and the low's too low. When you love someone and they let you go***

"I'm totally against it. Look lads, we have been great together, but those times are gone. We're all solo artists now. I have a brilliant fiancée and my songs are popular. I have everything I ever wanted, so I don't wanna lose that."

Everything I ever wanted.

Ouch, that hurts.

I feel my eyes watering, so I stand up and immediately leave. I almost run into my room and slam the door behind me. I lean on the wood, my body feels so heavy that my legs aren't capable of keeping me up, so I slowly slide down until I'm sitting on the cold floor. I don't care that my butt is frozen, because all I can thing about are those words Louis let out of his mouth.

I have everything I ever wanted.

It hurts so bad. It feels like I've never meant anything to him, like I was just someone who he easily forgot. I thought I was special, I thought I was everything he ever wanted. But I see I was so wrong.

I gave him so much, I was ready to give up everything just for him, but it seems like it wasn't enough. I wasn't enough. 

He left me a letter with sorry on it and that was it. That's all. He found a better person to be with. His perfect fiancée. He's finally happy now, she gives him everything I wasn't able to. 

Now he acts like I was nothing to him. Like we never happened. And that shit hurts like hell. 

I feel like I've spent years locked in this room with tears falling down my cheeks. 

After a while there's a knock on my door and Liam's head appears.

"Harry, are you okay?" 

"Yes, no, maybe. I don't know," I sigh.

"Look, he didn't mean it like this," Liam says and takes a place beside me on the floor. I moved a bit few minutes ago so I'm not leaning against the door but against the wall right next to it.

"Yes, he did. Otherwise he wouldn't said it."

He's silent, because he knows I'm right. Instead of saying anything, he wraps one hand over my shoulders and I lay my head oh him. We don't talk and I'm grateful for it.

"It's dark and the sky is beautiful, don't you wanna see that," he speaks after a while.

I look him in his eyes and he continues.

"Don't worry, Louis went to his room, he wanted to call his-" Then he stops and realises that it's not very good to mention that part in front of me. "He's just not there."


We stand up and go back outside. Zayn and Niall are standing there with glasses of red wine. I get a glass myself and we all stare at the sky. It's so beautiful. There are many stars and a full moon, that means that tomorrow will be a good weather. The reflection of the shiny things up there is glittering on the water surface. Niall was right, it's breathtaking.

We stay out there for at least an hour, Louis never comes back and I'm thankful. Then we all go back to our rooms and I fall asleep with thoughts running through my mind.

Things I can't//Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now