Chapter 13

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***Not sure how to say this right. Got so much to lose***

Me and Louis look at each other. Fuck, this won't be good.

I honestly don't know what to do, so I sit down on the windowsill. Louis is also sitting but he's leaning on the door. So we're on the opposites sites of the room.

I don't want to look at him, so I'm staring outside the window.

Am I finally gonna know the truth? Will he tell me why he left me? After two long years I might finally find out why happened what happened. Because he would have never left me without a proper reason. At least that's what I've been telling myself the whole time.

"Harry?" he whispers. That makes me look into his direction and meet his piercing blue eyes. I am quite far away from him, but I still can see that there's literally no emotion, no spark in his eyes.

"Louis, just tell me why you're acting like a jerk, so we can get out of here," I say. 

"I'm acting like a jerk? You're the one who's acting like a jerk," he shoots back.

What? What does that even mean? 

"Me? You're funny. This is impossible," I have to chuckle. 

"Well, you're the one who's pretending to be so in love with Kendall," he rolls his eyes while the name slips out of his lips.

Shit, he caught me. Seems like he still knows me well.

"I'm not pretending," I try. We both know I'm laying but I had to give it a try.

"Oh please, Harry. I know what you look like when you're in love," he chuckles.

There are two ways how to respond. One is pretty innocent, however the second one is really mean. Honestly I don't feel like to be nice to him. He deserves a bit of cruel reality.

"Really? Cause last time I was in love the second person didn't seem to care enough to stay with me."

He gasps. He definitely didn't expect this. Truthfully I don't even know where this came from. I just let my mouth say whatever it wanted. I've never been like this. When we were together I was always the sweet one. I was an angel. I never used bad words, I never sweared and I definitely never said something that could hurt him.

But now he looks hurt. Suddenly I can see many emotions in his eyes. I know that thoughts in his mind are fiercefully running and he doesn't know what to say. So he's quiet. He broke our eye contact and he's staring on the floor.

Few minutes pass by and we're still quiet. There is a huge tension between us, but we're both scared to do something about it. 

I hear him snivel. I turn my gaze to him again. He's rubbing his already red eyes. Have I just made him cry? Wow. Now I feel bad. 

"Louis, I didn't mean it," I whisper.

"No, you did. I deserved it. It just hurts to hear you say that." His voice is a bit shaky and unsure. It's been a while since I've seen him like this. The past few weeks he always seemed to be tough, but he's still as sensitive as he used to be. That melts my heart, because the Lou I fell in love with is not completly gone.

Things I can't//Larry Stylinsonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें