Chapter 13 Reflections

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I trailed behind Joy as she walked us back to the table. Everyone except Jesse was there. Believe me, I was happy about that, but there was still a part of me that wanted to see him. I shoved those feelings down.

Besides, there were enough things on my metaphorical plate right now and I didn't need some guy following me like a lost puppy.

Joy and I sat down. Everyone had set aside a spot next to her for me. They also moved my food next to hers.

The only thing that was missing was the milk carton. I wasn't sure if I had left it on that table Jesse and I sat at or what.

A familiar twinge and pressure had built up in my private area causing me to stand up. I hadn't actually gone pee since before I went to Joy's house. We were just in the restroom which made me feel even more awkward.

Joy looked up at me.

I leaned over and whispered, "I forgot to go pee."

She spread her hands out and turned them up. The look she gave me made me feel like an idiot. She didn't need to give me that look I already felt that way.

Joy glanced at her friends and got up. Lacy, Gina, and Sam all stood with her.

"We're going back to the restroom." Joy explained to her parents.

As if Joy's dad were mocking her he made the same gesture Joy had. "Didn't you just come back from there?"

"Yeah, someone." Joy's eyes moved toward me, then back at her dad. "Forgot to actually use it though."

Mark leaned back. "How do yo—"

Heather put a hand over his shoulder and he shut up. It was sort of funny seeing him be held back like he had done to Heather earlier.

As we were leaving I got a quick glance at everyone's plates. Mine was pretty far from Joy's parents, which I was thankful for. However, it was the only dish filled with food. The others looked like they were already halfway gone. I hoped that at least someone was going to get seconds so I wasn't the last one eating. Besides, I wanted dessert. Jesse and I skipped that section in our rush to safety.

Joy paused just before we entered the restroom and I ran into her back.

I was able to stop so I didn't fall down but had to grab my chest because it hurt.

"Don't grab those." Joy said when she turned around.

My arms dropped but it didn't stop the pain.

"Okay, when you go in there, do not stand while going pee," she said.

"No shit!" I snapped. I hadn't actually thought of that but I was angry from the pain. I rubbed my chest anyway.

Joy's face twisted. "I'm just trying to help you!"

I didn't respond but I did stop rubbing. Why do these things always hurt so bad? The flesh-on-flesh bump from Joy wasn't half as bad as when I hit my chest on a door jam or literally anything solid.

"Okay, let's go. The faster she gets done the faster we get back to the table." Sam said.

Sam's logic was sound but Joy looked like she would rather chew me out longer. When Sam started walking, I followed her.

My bladder felt like it was going to explode. Besides, Joy could yell at me later.

This trip to the bathroom wasn't as interesting as the last one. The only tricky part was deciding if I should lift the skirt or pull it down. Out of laziness' sake, I pulled it up because I didn't want to deal with a zipper. The purse I set on top of the toilet paper dispenser.

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