Chapter 12 Mad Dash

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As much as having powers like being invisible would be amazing—especially in the girl's locker room—it was like all super abilities, imaginary.

When my mind drifted into the invisibility scenario it kept jumping back to last night. Seeing the girls half-naked with the same parts as me, was unsettling. It apparently killed my locker room dreams too. So much so that I had let go of Joy's hand to clear my head.

The doors to the van were already sliding open before I could even move my eyelids. I wondered if they would let me hide in the van. Doubt it. I thought.

"Come on girls," Heather said.

When I opened my eyes I checked my hand. It was shaking.

Joy was standing at the door waiting for me.

Fuck, fuck fuck! I was stuck with no other option so I got up and joined the others outside.

The parking lot was pretty much full so we really were lucky to get this spot. Several older people passed us and didn't give me a second glance. Even a couple of kids passing by didn't look.

Everyone else was chatting about what they were going to eat but I was too nervous for my brain to decode what they were saying.

My legs were moving on their own as I followed Joy.

I stumbled a few times and Heather fell back next to Joy. She was trying to say something to me but I didn't understand. My brain was too muddled to comprehend her words. After we made it to the door she stopped talking and joined her husband Mark.

Joy was really close to me and kept putting her hands near my elbows when I stumbled. She was probably scared that I was going to pass out. I felt close a few times so I appreciated the help even if I couldn't express it.

When my fears of being beaten up or killed by someone never came to fruition my mind cleared up enough for me to walk properly.

There was a family of four behind us. They were at least in high school. Both were boys and one of them was eyeing me which made me nervous.

As if reading my mind, Joy turned me around and whispered, "Don't worry, they won't do anything."

Heather turned around and gave me a once-over. No doubt she was making sure I was okay.

"You're dressed like one of the popular kids at school so you're going to get a lot of stares." Joy whispered.

Everyone suddenly stopped and I almost ran into Gina before I put on the breaks.

There was a line so it looked like we were going to be waiting for a bit.

The place was busy but there were still a good amount of tables available.

A large counter filled with food under heat lamps had its own line. There were thick ceramic plates at the front. Employees lined the other side of the buffet. They would usually help you pick something to eat.

I'd only been to a breakfast buffet a few times in my life. I remembered the food was always good. I especially liked the "desert" options. Mom let me have sweets before my meal one time. I wanted to go back for more but she wouldn't let me. Dad's smile when he told her to let me have one more round was burnt into my brain.

A tear raced down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away before anyone saw it.

I felt more grounded and pushed my feelings back. Normally I would start to panic like I'd done several times at Joy's house but I felt different, stronger somehow.

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