Chapter 1 The Misfits

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The grip on my right hand tightened on the ledge as I knocked on the window; little bits of paint flaked off the windowsill and fluttered down past me. I couldn't watch it fall. My fear of heights was kicking in.

It's not often my girlfriend asked me to sneak over for the night. It was my birthday, and she told me she wanted to give me a present. I wondered what it was.

The wooden lattice I'd climbed shook a little as I waited. It seemed pretty sturdy, but I didn't trust it. Why does she have to live on the second floor? I thought.

The strain on my muscles— as if I had any— was becoming too much. I reflexively looked down. A cement porch was strewn out below me, chairs and a BBQ threatened me. I imagined falling and hitting the metal grill. The thoughts made me redouble my efforts to hold on.

Then the window opened.

I scrambled into the room, not waiting for someone to invite me in. I ended up on the floor, my heart pounding out of my chest as I watched my girlfriend close the window.

Joy, my girlfriend, was in her pajamas, the type that looked like a dress. I wasn't sure what they were called.

About half a dozen giggles came from behind me. I sat up and turned.

Joy's friends, who were also in their P.J.s, were strewn all over Joy's bed and other furniture she had in her room. I'd been in her room a few times and I'd snuck in those times as well. I seriously hated climbing the wall.

I gave them a quick smile and stood.

I didn't know that Joy's friends were gonna be there but I would be fooling myself if I didn't think it was a pleasant surprise.

"Like the view?" Joy said from behind me.

I faced her, smiled, and said, "This one's better." I moved in close, pulled her to me and she gasped. My lips were an inch away from hers and I waited for her to initiate the kiss. I couldn't see her that well through my hair. I was going for a Nirvana's Kurt Cobain look.

She gave me a quick peck on the lips and pushed away. I hesitated for a moment, wanting more. I gazed into her eyes and smiled. She smiled back the dimples in her cheeks showing themselves.

"Awwwww." Several of the girls said and then broke out into more giggles.

"Happy birthday," Joy said.

I leaned my forehead against hers. "Thanks."

"Get a room!" Alyx said.

Joy turned to her and snapped, "We're in my room!"

I knew a few of Joy's friends, Alyx was one of them. The other girl I knew, Jane, wasn't there.

Alyx stuck her tongue out, at Joy.

"Don't make promises you can't keep!" Joy said.

Alyx's tongue retreated into her mouth.

"So..." I said. "What am I doing here? I thought we were gonna be alone?"

Joy grabbed my hand and backed up. "Well..."

A few of the girls giggled.

"Well, what?" I asked. I was starting to get nervous.

"Well, we—"

"We?" one of the girls interrupted Joy.

"Okay, I wanted you to stay the night with us."

"This isn't a good idea," the smallest girl in the group said.

"Shut up Gina!" said one of the girls.

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