Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

“Why are you guys laughing at me?” I frown.

“We’re not laughing at you baby. We just think you so damn adorable.” Luke saying coming up to me wrapping his arm around my waist. I give him the puppy dog look just for the hell of it and he groans. “Please don’t do that face with me it looks like you’re about cry.” I smile up at him and kiss his nose.

“You guys are just too damn cute for your own good.” Luke’s mother says putting down the spatula. “Dinner’s in the oven should be about ten minutes. Why don’t you guys do some wedding planning while you’re waiting?”

“Ma, we’re not getting married for like another year. We just finished high school, are you trying to get rid of me?”

“I will never want to get rid of you. I just love to see how happy she makes you.” She says frowning. “Why would you ever think I want to get rid of you?” She walks up to him and kisses his forehead. “I just want you to be happy.”

“Thanks mom that means so much.” He says as we walk up the stairs.

“Use protection, I’m too young to be a grandma.” She yells and I blush while Luke laughs.

“Don’t worry, she’s joking, she knows we’re waiting.” He tell me.

We get to his room, which is now painted a dark green with posters all around. Unlike most boys his room is spotless, not a dot of dirt. “How is it that you keep this room so clean and all the other boys just throw stuff on the floor when they are done with the stuff?”

“Because unlike most boys I care about my mom, and I know that if I don’t clean it up she will. She still has this whole house to clean after, even though its just us two, but it still gets dirty.”

I pinch his cheek and laugh. “You are just too adorable, I swear I got so lucky with someone as wonderful as you.” I peck his lips and fall onto his bed.

“I love how you called me a man instead of a boy when we were downstairs.” He says with a smile. “To most people I’m still a boy, it’s good to know some people think of me as a man.”

“You are the manliest man on this planet if it makes you feel any better. I was just telling you the truth. You have to take care of your mom, the house, the bills, you just graduated high school you work your ass off just to make sure your mom and I get what ever we need. If that doesn’t describe a man I don’t know what does.”

“Did I ever tell you how much I love you?” He asks and I shake my head. “Can you count every star in the sky?” I shake my head again but I don’t where he’s going with this. “Than there’s no way to describe how much I love you, because each of those stars up there is how much I love you.”

“That is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.” I say a tear rolling down my face. He wipes it away and kisses my cheek.

“Why are you crying?” He asks panicked. I shake my head and smile.

“I just love you so damn much, I don’t know where I’d be without you.”

“Kid’s dinner’s ready.” I hear Luke’s mother yell from the stairs. We both run into the kitchen and take our seats.

I take my first bite and I almost moan aloud from how amazing it is. I stop myself because I embarrassed myself enough in front of them. “This is seriously the most amazing pizza I had ever had in my life.” I say taking another huge bite Luke looks at me and shakes his head. “What?” I ask looking at him.

“Nothing.” He says chuckling.

“No really what is it?” I ask and he rubs his thumb across my bottom lip. “Oh, well that’s embarrassing.”

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