'Love increases?' Is there any love between you two? No. Maybe there is but as both of you are strangled in your own problems that none of you wants to accept it. But did you really want that feeling, those butterflies to stay with you? To feel those racing heartbeats suffocating in your ribs as you are close to him… maybe yes. But does he want the same? No. You know he still loves his ex and is with his secretary which disgusts you to the core. No person would touch any other person while being in love with someone and as you think about it… Jungkook is a toxic lover.

But the next words said by your father ignites a fire within him, making his veins boil in a wave of unknown anger.

"Do you both love someone else's? Y/n… are you with someone else? Huh? Are you cheating…" Jungkook cuts your dad off.

"Dad. There's no one between us. And no will ever be. As said by her… we want to take things slowly hence we aren't living in one room. And love is not something that always asks for bedroom sharing. Other things are also counted…" he blurts out without thinking twice, his eyes staying on your form. He meant those words. 

He couldn't hear anything wrong about you? Why… maybe because he just doesn't want to, maybe those invisible feelings don't want to, maybe because he thinks only he's allowed to. Whereas you processed his sentence.

'There's no one between us. And no one will ever be.' Something so strong was never said by him regarding you which made your heart twist in warmth. Even if those words were used for shutting your dad's impositions on you, you liked it. 

"I know Jungkookshi. But think…" he again gets cut off. Despite the age gap, Jungkook never fails to stand out when things go wrong, that's a different point that he often comes out as a rude person.

"She'll shift in my room tonight. You don't need to worry…" a strong kick on his feet by your leg cuts his sentence in the middle.

There's no way you'll shift in his room and live with his ex's frames hanging all over the room.

But why did you mind those frames lying there? You don't love him, right? 

Both the males look at you with their creased brows as you gulp and smile forcefully. Jungkook curses at you under his breath while your dad smiles in relief hearing Jungkook's decision. 

Your glaring gaze pierced his soul while he just stared at you with his small eyes.

"Why did you do that?" You frown, walking inside his room as the cool breeze escaping the curtains hits your skin, making your shiver a little.

"What did you mean? I saved you…" you turn around, speaking up.

"I didn't ask you to! I know how to handle him and I was thinking of something but no… JEON JUNGKOOK knows how to deal with everything even when he doesn't know how to," you taunt him, breaking his little heart as he feels bad hearing your harsh words. 

Any other wife would have been happy knowing she will be cuddling with her husband, sleeping in his arms but that's normal for marriages, right? You don't even reside near the boundaries of his heart and you are asked to live in his room. 

"But…" he gulps the lump down his throat. The bold, rude Jungkook was nowhere to be found. He was hurt by your words and to say, he just wanted a small apology or a little softness from you wouldn't be a lie. But doesn't he behave the same every day? 

"Jungkook. We aren't even trying…" he speaks up, this time shutting your mouth.

"Then let's try," his doe eyes which were ready to tear up meet your tired gaze.

"Wh... what?" Your stutter, hearing his bold statement.

Taking a step towards you, he looks right in your eyes. Again his closeness erupted a volcano in your pit as you looked down, unable to maintain eye contact. His intense gaze was still on you and you could feel his warm breath fanning over your forehead. The height difference made you look too tiny in front of him. While the heart-thumping loud in your ribs made it harder for you to control your trembling figure.

"Let's try for once…" he says, his voice dipping low making you part your lips in surprise. 

He was serious. But how can he? What was in the soup? Is he high on something? What happened to him suddenly?

"But Jungkook… don't you love your ex? And…" his loud laugh cuts you off as he steps back, covering his mouth. He cracks up louder than you've ever seen as he holds his belly to control his stomach from aching. 

"You really thought?" He cracks up again. 

Was it all a joke? Yeah. You look away biting your lips and blaming yourself for falling for his stupid tricks. 

Why on the earth did you even believe he would ever try on this marriage? Don't you know it's all a contract and nothing more? Why you gotta be so naive, y/n? Why do you fall for his tricks so easily?

"You are really naive, y/n!" He laughed at your silence while you controlled tears forming in your eyes. But how could you? You were hurt by his actions although it was your fault for falling for it. 

You run to the bathroom to hide yourself, hide your tears. Locking the door, you take the long breath you held in due to the suffocation you felt near his laugh. Fresh tears rolled down your eyes as you wipe them. Meanwhile, Jungkook's laugh riot ended seeing you running away. 

Did he go too far? He doesn't know but he wishes he didn't. 

You wipe your nose as you take deep breaths trying to control yourself. But why? Why do you always try to control yourself? Why can't you let them fall sometimes? 

'You are not weak, y/n. You are not. Stop crying, stop being so naive and immature! You are a grown up girl, behave like one. No one will ever care about you if you behave like this! ' the same words ring in your brain as you shake your head and pat your cheeks with your palms. You wipe your face, again and again, everytime a tear rolls down you just wish you could stop it.

Why are you getting so hurt by his joke? You know how Jungkook is, right? Then why are you getting so sensitive? Was it something you actually wanted to happen?


You bite your lips harshly, controlling the muffled sob while your face reddens due to crying. 

Jungkook strolls from one end of the room to the other as he waits for you. His heart races hastily in his ribs as he wishes to barge inside the bathroom and ask did he hurt you? Was his joke that bad? He didn't mean to hurt you…

The unlocking sound of the door draws his attention as he walks up to you. 

"Y/n…" your hoarse voice cuts him off.

"I'll sleep on the couch. You can take your bed," you say and walk past him. You were proud that you didn't break. You were proud of yourself that you didn't let your feelings take over you again. 

You and Jungkook aren't meant to be together. You need to keep that in your head. KEEP THAT. There's no way he will fall for you and there's no way you'll fall for him. And even if you do, your feelings grow more, you need to control yourself. You both are like those verses of poems which will never mean the same, like a bird and a star living in the same sky but having different skies for their own.

But do people know how to control their hearts?

Bad. Bad. Someone's falling. Someone's failing. Someone's going. Someone's coming. Who? Why? When?

Thanks for reading it. It means a lot to me. Stay happy and healthy. I'll be back soon 💫.

{Also, please don't misunderstand. JK broke every relation with Eunji after marrying y/n. I know that doesn't fixes his character but still. Here, y/n is still unaware that Jk has nothing with Eunji now}

Forced Marriage {JJK × y/n}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora