13. Couches & Love

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Wes and I are on the couch, he's spread out, a pillow tucked under his head. His arm hangs to the ground, his tics quiet as he stares engrossed at the documentary I turned on. I'm not nearly as focused on it as my mind replays every detail from last night and this morning that I spent with James. I've dissected every second of it, cringing at myself for my moments of insecurities and fighting a smile at James' confidence.

"Late night boys?" Grace chirps.

I can hear the amusement in her voice as Ryan follows behind her. They're both dressed casually, matching in jeans and tshirts almost the same color blue.

"I came home last night." Wes replies. His head jerks where he lies. "Brett's the one that came home this morning."

He shoots me a grin, full of mischief and I feel heat flare in my cheeks.

"You both better have behaved yourselves. I can still ground you." She pauses, glancing back at Ryan who's watching her with a smile on his face. "I think?" He shakes his head no. "I can't still ground them? Are you sure?"

Ryan laughs, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. "They're adults, leave them be."

Grace pouts, something that just gets her a kiss from Ryan before he tells us they're going to the store to look at a new couch.

"What's wrong with these couches?" Wes asks as soon as we're alone. "They're comfortable."

"They've also been around since we were kids." I state.


I smile, changing the subject because I know talking about the potential for new couches will only drive Wes crazy.

"So how's Mack?"

He shifts on the couch, pulling himself to a seated position. His hair is a mess, flattened on one side from sleep, his hazel eyes narrowed slightly as he fights a smile.


I turn back to the TV, muttering a knowing "uh huh".

Wes snorts, not a tic, "how's James?"

I didn't tell Wes I was with James. Though it probably isn't much of a stretch. "Fine." I parrot back.

"Apparently real fine, if you had a sleepover." He muses, a tic following.

Focusing back on him, an amused smirk on his face because I'm blushing, I know he can tell, I ask "so are you and Mack a thing?"

He shrugs, "you're a bitch" he tics, continuing on to say "No you're not. I mean I like her but I'm not in a rush."

I wait for him to elaborate but he doesn't. Knowing Wes, his mind has taken him at least three steps away already but then he asks "she's cute isn't she?".

I love Wes. How open and wholesome he is. How he's always just been Wes and it seems no matter what or how much time passes he'll stay Wes. And how nothing ever changed between us, even after I came out. Even this, when he wants to talk about girls.

"Yeah, she's pretty." I agree.

My phone starts to buzz in my pocket, interrupting our dig into each other's love life. It's my Uncle Chris and I say that out loud for Wes before I answer.


"Hey Brett. How's the new job?" He asks.

I've only been to work a few days, settling into my position and mostly sitting back and observing to get the lay of the land but I like it so far.

"It's good, thanks again."

"No problem. I won't keep you long but I wanted to invite you to dinner next week. What do you say?"

I look at Wes, he's back to watching the documentary with interest. I have no reason not to go to this dinner. In fact I probably should. At the very least to thank him in person for setting up the interview for me.

"Yeah sure, just tell me when and I'll be there." I say.

"Great, see ya then."

We're off the phone just as quick as it started and before I can even get my phone back in my pocket Wes says "you should invite James".

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