For those who have stumbled across my stories, thanks for stumbling!

Thought I'd add some clarification seems how I have a collection of books (the 4 letter pile and a new series!). They are two separate series. If you have found one of these books and want to read the rest that go with it the following is the order in which I'd recommend you read them:

The 4 Letter Series.
With no spoilers.
1. Owen.
2. Mina minus the epilogue.
3. Home.
4. Safe minus the epilogue.
5. Drew.
6. Okay minus the epilogue
7. Mina's epilogue
8. Lost
9. Vows
10. Safe's epilogue
11. Okay's Epilogue

Other works that coincide with this series:
Hope (Prequel)

The Untold Series:
1. Saving Laurel
2. Becoming Brett
3. Chasing Ellie
4. Losing Sawyer

Other works that coincide with this series:
1. Loving James

Everything else is a free for all. Thanks for all the love and support.

We need you in this world.

Also I made an instagram. @darling_be_rational

Lame that I couldn't just use darlingberational 😒 but whatevs. I probably won't post much on it but we'll see.
  • انضمApril 16, 2011

الرسالة الأخيرة
darlingberational darlingberational Dec 05, 2023 04:50PM
Hey friends, it’s been a long freaking time. But I have good news. Let’s start a new story next week. Sound good? 
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