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"Louise wake up!"  Alex voice wake me from my nightmare.

I breath so hard and my whole body is sweating.

The nightmare back over and over again.

"Are you okay?" Alex face full of concern and worried.

He trail his palm in my back  just to calm me.

My eyes watering.

"Yeah...just a nightmare." I replied in low voice.

I glance my desk clock on my night stand, it's midnight.

Suddenly Alex take closer to my body as he cuddle himself in mine.

"You need a cuddle." He stated and it's surprised me.

"They say, cuddling is can reduce stress and nightmares, so let me do it." He added.

I nodded, I open my arm as he place his head on my bare chest, his body is so much comfy and warm.

I trail my hand in his back and made him more closer, he tilt his head as he try to look at my eyes. He smile and I kissed his forehead.

"Thanks!" I thanked him in whisper.

"I like it too." He replied.

I'm about to kiss him more but his already in deep sleep, snoring so cute.

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