... with full surprises...

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A/N: I decided to give you guys another update right after the start of yesterday. Thanks for all your comments! I loved reading through them. This is also a reason why I am giving you this update today XD. Otherwise update once a week on Monday.

3rd POV:

It was quite amusing for Nezu to see all the students confused in their hero costume besides the villains. He let Power Loader handle the costume for the only villain in the game. However, something was wrong. Izuku was looking around and didn't seem to be that confused. Not only that but he had this odd smile on his face. One that was telling others about his anticipation for this exercise.

Truth be told the chimera was only doing this game because he saw Izuku's note and found it quite intriguing to say the least. Of course, he was curious what the bright and always happy student was writing in his notebooks. The face Izuku was making while writing told the chimera that he was lost in thoughts and yet from time to time he had this wicked smile on his face.

He was watching each class for a while now but it was only Izuku that had caught his attention. After further investigation he realized what Izuku was writing down and it reminded him of his own world domination notes. He didn't doubt that the kid was bad at all. Rather he thought he was bored and a change of settings would be good for him. Great minds think alike after all.

This was why they were currently in an observation room. Nezu wanted to give the kids a challenge and he also wanted to see how far Izuku could make it as a villain. The plans he had wrote down were not bad at all. Nezu caught a couple of glimpse from above when he was in the vent. Interesting was all he could think of. This exercise was the result of catching his eyes.

Aizawa: *Sigh*

Hound Dog: Did we really need to do this?

Power Loader: Nothing to worry! It's not their first villain vs hero exercise and it's not like they just started going to school.

Mic: Why did we need to get them there again?

Midnight: Don't know!

All Might: They will be fine!

Vlad King: Of course, they will!

Aizawa: *Sigh*

Snipe: Isn't this a first?

Cementoss: If you mean class 1A and B doing the same exercise then yes.

There was no doubt in Aizawa's mind that something was strange. First for a normal exercise not every hero in the facility would be here and the other students of different departments had even a nice free day. As if a free day wasn't strange enough in UA. There was never a free day if not for something to happen earlier on.

He was not the only one in the room thinking that something was wrong.

Recovery Girl: What in the 3 devils name are we doing here?

(A/N: I'll use RG instead of Recovery Girl from now on.)

Nezu: Just enjoying the show.

Aizawa: Why is my class there? The whole area is restricted and off limits to anyone.

Nezu: Ah it will be fine. I had Power Loader investigating the safety of the area and it is safe enough for the students to be there.

Power Loader: And here I thought you didn't care about your class.

Aizawa: I don't. I just don't need to go to their parents and tell them what happened. That would be a bother.

Vlad King: Not to mention the media we need to deal with.

Nezu: There is no need to worry.

Hound Dog: Okay then please tell me why am I here?

Nezu: To evaluate their minds of course.

Hound Dog: Oh great! Another traumatic experience... Nezu please inform me beforehand so I can get prepared for this myself.

Midnight: Meaning he needs some good alcohol.

Mic: He won't be the only one needing something good afterwards.

Midnight: Ah come on! He needs coffee to survive. It is already something running through his veins. It wouldn't surprise me if he had coffee instead of blood.

Mic: True.

Nezu: Now now, no need to worry. There are enough drinks and snacks here.

Power Loader: Uhhhh snacks!

Snipe: And gone he is.

Aizawa: Can you please explain what is going on here?

Nezu: As you can see we will be hosting a villain vs hero exercise. A civil war game if you want to phrase it different.

Mic: Am I the only one that doesn't understand why it is a civil war?

Midnight: There are only villains and heroes... no civilian right?

Nezu: Yes, but it is one villain against 39 students to be precisely. Not only that but this will be more like a war than anything else. So, the term civil war game fits it right.

At this point everyone was questioning the chimera's sanity. There was no way that the cinnamon roll of UA would be able to face this many student and then be that destructive to call it a war. Too bad that no one caught a glimpse at his notebook besides Nezu.

Aizawa: Why is Midoriya?

It was the one and only question everyone wanted to know the answer to. There was one villain and yet he was talking about a war. No one could see their dear cinnamon roll destroying them all. If anything, they were all thinking about Midoriya stopping to play his role and at some point help the heroes or even surrender.

Nezu: Why not?

All Might: My boy is a good boy.

[A/N: Lol is he a dog or something?]

Aizawa: *Sigh* That didn't answer anything.

Nezu: I can see why you all are so surprise but I assure you that he is full of surprises.

Hound Dog: I don't like how this sounds.

RG: Nezu!

Nezu: That's my name.

RG: Please just tell us what we need to know.

Nezu: I am sure we will soon find out.

They watched Izuku unfold the paper and the corner of his lips form upwards. It was a small smile which wasn't noticed by many of the stuff members. However, those who did couldn't help but wonder why he would smile instead of pout over the fact that he isn't the hero in this small exercise.

Seriously! Why am I the villain?! (UA Civil War Game)Where stories live. Discover now