"Good evening, you three." Nezu greets with his usual smile while he cutely closes the door behind him using both paws.
     I smile happily at him as I walk over to him and pick him up before sitting back on the couch.
"Aizawa, Togata, are you two ready for your heroing class?" The small creature asks as I pet his small head and behind his ears.
     "It's only three students, I think we'll be able to help them pretty well." I explain happily as he nods while slightly kicking his small legs.
     "Three? I thought around fifteen kids tried out for that exam?" Hizashi questions as he looks between me and Shota.

     "I had Shota judge who he thought would make it in," I start before looking down at the large weasel sitting in my lap happily. "I don't know the first thing about those types of quirks. He knows who'll be more able to make it in hero society." I explain before sighing. "If it were me I probably would've let the majority in and then when they're all grown, one of them dies because of me."
     "The future is definitely something we all look to. Good and bad. It's nothing to feel bad about because you thought it was best to tell someone they may need a different job because they may not make it." Nezu says to me with a smile.
     "He's right, (Y/n)." Shota calls to me. "It's not your fault that hero society and villains could kill these kids more easily, no matter how experienced they may have become." He explains and I can't help but look to Hizashi and Nezu. 

     Twelve kids will stay safe because of me. I should be happy that they're safe. I think before I nod. "I know," I respond before I carefully set Nezu on the seat beside me. "We should probably head to our class, yeah?" I question my boyfriend who smiles at me before he stands from his seat.
      "Sounds good," Shota replies as he goes to the door and opens it for me I send my regards to my friends before we head down the hall.
      "I studied up on the three of them and they're going to be a bit of a challenge," I explain as we walk down the empty hall since the students are at lunch.
     "How so?"

     Well, Seishi won't like that you're a guy and that Minko is there too, Ishikawa will probably not like when I get loud, and Minko seems quiet. I think to myself before sighing. "Just read up on them later." I state before stopping in front of the classroom door. "Also be careful around the black-haired girl. She has a bad past and doesn't trust or like men." I state and he looks at me a little taken aback before glancing inside.
      A concerned look flickers across his eyes before he nods to me. "I will. Promise." He says before walking inside. "Good evening, I hope that you're all okay with having your lunch in here so that you can get an early start," Shota says blankly before he stands at the front as I teleport beside him.
      "I hope you're all ready. Because this stuff isn't gonna be easy." I claim with a smile before it slightly falls as I see the three scattered across the classroom. Not a social bunch, huh? I think before smiling. "How does some training-"

     "(Y/n)!" We all jump as Nemuri calls to me while slamming open the door. "Can you go with me to get some strawberries? I'm having cravings and the little one's fussing." She asks while leaning against the doorframe.
     "What about Hizashi?"
     "He's got a class. There's two of you, I can just steal you real quick and then be back soon." The R-rated hero claims while looking at me beggingly.
     I give a questioning look to my boyfriend and then back to my friend.
     "I can take her." The black-haired girl at the back of the class, I realize is Seishi, offers as she stands. "I don't mind." She claims with a blank look on her face.
     "Perfect! Let's-"

     "Wait." Shota interrupts our friend before a smile meets his face. "We can make a lesson out of this." He claims before standing up straighter.
      "Sir, how could this possibly be a lesson?" Minko asks while moving a strand of yellow hair from his face.
      "You three will race and get the strawberries from Lunch Rush in the cafeteria. The first back gets to do only half of the homework." Shota explains as he hands his phone to Nemuri to text said hero.
      "But sir, we've barely even been here three hours. Plus you ordered us lunch, based on our likes, to be delivered here." Ishikawa states with a small nervous laugh added to the end. "This is our first day of school."

Tease Me ♡Shota Aizawa x Reader♡Where stories live. Discover now