"Only if you're sure. But we'll have a girls day this weekend. And as far as your decision goes, think about everything and then take a decision. I know you're a smart young woman, so you'll decide right." My eyes fill up once again.

"Ok, Thank you Cassandra. How are things with Andy going?"

"Oh, they're wonderful. He treats me like a princess and I love being with him. I think I love him." She whispers.

I gasp. "Oh my god! That is such a big deal Cass! Wait, why are you whispering?"

"Well, he is my bedroom, he's sleeping. He might wake up and listen to this. And I don't want him to know anything until I'm absolutely sure of it." She explains

"I completely understand, but either way, he's a great guy for you Cassie. Let me know what you need okay?" 

"Yeah will do RoRo. I'll get some sleep now okay? Goodnight babes." 

"Night." I hang up and stare at the phone in my hand. Before I could  think over my actions any more I go to the contacts and hover over Marcus' contact. Should I call him? Should I talk to him? Should I wait longer? 

"Ah fuck it!" I quickly press over his name and press speaker and wait for him to pick up while nervously cracking my knuckles.

I sigh shakily as the phone is answered. "Hello?" His voice is enough for a swarm of butterflies to be released in my tummy. I inhale sharply as he talks into the phone. "Romy? Is everything okay? Are you okay?" My heart warmed as I realized his first concern was to check for my safety.

I can't keep him hanging forever. "Marcus."


"I-I like you." I finally let myself admit it out loud. To him. It felt incredibly wonderful to get it out.

I hear a cough on the other side and my brows immediately furrow. "Marcus? Are you okay?"

"Yes, I was in the middle of drinking water and your confession took me by surprise. I must say I'm glad to hear you say it out loud." He says with a light chuckle.

His chuckles might be my new favorite sound. I sigh in relief.

"Romy, I want to see you. Right now." His voice is dark, full of need. I clench my thighs at his request. "Oh" Is the only thing I could bring myself to say in response.

"Yes, Oh." He echoes.

I giggle lightly and respond, "I'll share my location." 

"I'll be waiting." Comes his response.

I end the call and put the phone down on the bed and allow myself to notice that my hands were shaking. The adrenaline and nervousness was a dangerous combination. Add desire to the mix, this was bound to be a disaster. But I couldn't bring myself to care at all. Consequences be damned. He was a drug and I was addicted.

I open the messaging app and shoot a text sharing my location.


MARCUS: I'll be there in 20 minutes.

ME: I'll be waiting.

I was smiling like an idiot as I pulled myself out of my robe completely and ran into my closet pulling out a pale blue silk night suit. It wasn't too lewd or too innocent. It was perfect.

 It was perfect

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

I quickly grabbed my moisturizer and started on my legs making sure to lather them extra nicely as I wanted them to be all shiny to look and soft to touch. I did my arms and face, pulled on a matching silk robe and my fluffy nighttime slippers and move around the house trying to look for anything that might need straightening up. Luckily everything looked clean and neat. I take one final look around of the living room and breathe a quiet sigh and work on relaxing myself when I hear the doorbell chime. My nerves skyrocket all over again. 

I take a couple of deep calming breaths and open the door to reveal Marcus standing there in simple jeans and a brown sweater. The sight of him steals my breath away. He was a beautiful male specimen and I felt very conscious under his gaze right now as he stared at me from top to bottom. My cheeks felt hot as I met his gaze and felt myself lose my breath all over again as I noted the hunger, lust and need for me in his eyes.

"Marcus." I speak in acknowledgement. It was surprising that my voice didn't break or shake as I did it.

"Romy." Comes his dark voice, like a siren singing me to my destruction. I was all too happy to be ruined as long as it was at his hands.


What do you think of Romy's actions? Do you think it's justified? What do you think of Cassandra? Would you like the next chapter from Marcus' POV? Cus I think it'll be mighty exciting. 


I'll try to upload that as soon as possible. 

It made me so happy to see that our readership is growing. Please LIKE, SHARE AND COMMENT about the book and help us hit 1K SOON!!!!

I love everyone of you! Thanks for the reads! They give me motivation to go on!!!

Until next time then,

- Sri

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