25| Jealous and Justified

Start from the beginning

Bucky put his hand in Tonys wig, running his fingers through the fake hair, while they made fake love eyes at one another for the performance.

"Now she's here, shining in the starlight," Bucky accidentally pulled his hair too hard, making the wig yank off Tony's head. Stark burst into laughter, but Bucky just dropped the wig and cupped Tony's cheek instead. "Now she's here, suddenly I know.

If she's here, it's crystal clear, I'm where I'm meant to go."

"And at last I see the light," they both sang in unison while looking at one another, Buckys hand still gently holding Starks face.

"And it's like the fog has lifted."

"And at least I see the light."

"And it's like the sky is new."

"And it's warm and real and bright, and the world has somehow shifted. ...all at once, everything is different, now that I see you," they continued to sing while looking at each other in that way. Steve was started to question if it was even acting anymore.

Fuck, he should've just sang with Tony.

"Now that I... see... you..." they finished off together, and one the last note finally stepped away from each other, Bucky dropping his hand back to his side. They turned to look at all their friends. Then, everyone erupted into loud screaming and clapping. God, Steve just wanted to clap about how it was finally over.

They both did a bow while Tony laughed and they handed their microphones off to Wanda and Pietro who were going to sing Holding Out For A Hero.


"Tony? Are you in here?" Bucky while he slowly opened the door to Clint's guest room after he knocked.

Everyone now was all over the house, some in Clint's bedroom, some at the table playing poker, some watching Glee on the couch. 

Everyone invited more friends over. It wasn't really a hardcore party since there was no drinking or smoking, no loud music or yelling, no hookups. It was just a friends type of party that everyone was enjoying. Sometimes people forget they can have fun without getting wasted and grinding to shitty music.

For the past hour, Buckys been thinking over everything. After having a debate in his mind, he knew he wanted to talk to Stark. Needed to talk to Stark.

But stark was nowhere to be seen. The last time Bucky had seen him, he was playing poker with Rhodey and Sam and Max. But now he had been replaced by Thor.

And those four didn't know where Tony had gone off to. He just said that he was tired of winning so easily, winked at Rhodey, and left.

After a bit of searching, he found him in the guest bedroom. It used to be the office, back when Clint's dad lived with them. Now it was just an extra room that Clint and his grandma didn't know what to do with.

Tony looked up from the picture frame he was looking at. It was a younger Clint and two people he's never seen before. Clints never talked about his parents, no one really knows the story. Maybe someone does, but they never talked about it.

"Yeah?" He questioned, watching as Bucky stepped into the room and closed the door.

Then being friends was odd. It felt weird and bit unnatural, but also not? They acted the same way Tony did with all of his other friends. Like fake arguing, the teasing. It was normal but unnatural.

"Can we talk?" He asked and leaned back against the door. Tony's eyebrows lowered into a confused expression.

"Um, yeah sure. What's up?" He asked, changing his position so his legs were tucked under his thigh.

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