Chapter Thirty-Three

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"Hey there, Ranboo," (Y/N) greeted the half-enderman and came to a stop next to him.

Ranboo jumped and swirled around to face them. "Hi, hey, hello- uh- (Y/N), how are you doing?" He asked, pulling the pan and spatula out of the river, where he was cleaning them.

"Oh, I'm doing great, thanks for asking," they said, smiling at him and taking the pan out of his hand, "I just came by to get my things back and thank you again for the lovely breakfast."

"Oh, really? I'm glad that you enjoyed it," Ranboo responded, visibly uncomfortable with the situation.

"Yes, yes, anyway, did you know that Techno can predict the future?" They quickly changed the topic, still smiling at the taller one.

"He- he can what now?" Ranboo asked, obviously playing pretend. "Well, not directly, but sometimes he dreams of something, and it comes true at some point in the future," (Y/N) explained, "Just like he dreamed of someone exploding the prison and letting Dream out...

Say, on how good terms are you and Dream?" Now it was over. It was at this moment that Ranboo fully realized that (Y/N) knew what he had tried to do.

"I- You could say that- that I don't really like him - a lot," he stuttered, struggling to get the sentence out. "And Techno and Phil?

For all I know, they helped him destroy L'Manburg, and Techno and Dream are pretty good allies - don't you think it would be beneficial for them if Dream got out of prison?" They asked another question.

"Well I- I-," Ranboo swallowed a lump in his throat, "I think it would just make things more difficult for them because Dream is a wanted criminal and all that, you- you know?"

"Huh, never thought about it that way," (Y/N) thought aloud.

"I'll- uh- I'll get- I'll get going now," Ranboo stuttered out and started walking backward but didn't get very far.

"Sure thing," (Y/N) spat out and reached up to whack the pan across the half-enderman's head. They dropped the pan next to the unconscious enderman in the snow and walked back to the cabins, their less dominant hand still holding on to what they had grabbed from their kitchen.

The question 'Why?' hadn't needed to be answered, as all (Y/N) cared about right now was doing as they pleased, but an answer was nice nonetheless.

It wasn't like (Y/N) didn't understand why Phil, Techno, and Ranboo acted this way either, it was the complete opposite. (Y/N) had acted only out of self-interest their entire life, and now they were just unlucky enough to be on the other end of the stick for once.

But this rational thought didn't sound as rational in their head. All they could think of was the cold betrayal and ignorance of their own wishes and aspirations.

Techno knew what it was like to be betrayed, so (Y/N) truly hadn't expected this kind of thing from him. Making Ranboo poison them was truly the bottom of the barrel.

They didn't even have the guts to do it themselves. (Y/N) continued to curse them in their mind, even when they reached their cabins and placed the glass jar in front of Phil's door. They would get it. (Y/N) knew, the two weren't that stupid.

They now pulled their tie tighter and left the cabins. It was freezing outside, but the cold that was biting (Y/N) everywhere was drowned out by their determination and rage. They wanted to interfere with their plans?

Pandora's Vault / Box / Jar (A Dream SMP and Reader Fan-Fiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora