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"Hey Phil," (Y/N) greeted the older one as they walked up to him.

"Hello (Y/N)," he greeted them and put the jars of honey away, "back already? I think you left just a few hours ago, right?" "You are asking the wrong person for that, Phil," (Y/N) laughed and looked at the bee farm next to the two, "what are you even doing with all those bees?"

"Oh, Techno wanted some of them for their honey back when he tried to retire... Which didn't work out, as you might know," Phil told them. "I- No, no, I didn't know.

Phil, you need to stop assuming that I know what you guys were up to in the last few months," they told him in a light-hearted tone. "Yeah... We really do need to catch up sometime. I wanted to tell you about everything at dinner yesterday, but Sam kinda threw me off," Phil admitted and now grabbed the honey and motioned (Y/N) to follow him inside.

"What were you doing in the SMP, by the way? You seem in a better mood than you did this morning," he said as he put the jars onto a shelf.

"I walked around, looked for new buildings, discovered all of the red shit Eret told me about when we met up, and talked to Ranboo and Tubbo," they told him, "did you know they have a hotel together? That sounds like something you would enjoy too, Phil."

They continued their relaxed conversation, and at some point, went over to Techno's house to sit at the fireplace.

They could do that without having to worry about disturbing the anthropomorphic pig because according to Phil, he currently was having one of those phases in which he would just sleep for weeks without noticing anything around him - similar to hibernating, just for a shorter period of time.


"Hey, Phil, you just said that the most recent mentionable event was the death of Tommy, right?" They asked. "Yep. I don't think there is anything else that happened in the past week," Phil said.

"What if I told you that Tubbo, Ranboo, and I saw him today, and he got revived by Dream in the prison?" They asked. "He what?" The older one asked perplexed. "The revive book, Phil, did you know that Dream has it?" (Y/N) asked another question.

"Yeah, I've heard about that, but I didn't know he used it to revive Tommy!" Phil yelped out. He looked back at the fire while he tried to process this information.

"Phil, have you seen that book before in your life?" (Y/N) wanted to know, "Not to insult you, but you are fairly old, so you should know where it came from or something like that, right?"

"No, no, I have neither seen it before nor do I know where the hell that book came from in the first place," he told them. "Phil, do you know what this could mean for you?... For us?" (Y/N) asked. "Hold on, are you thinking-?" The blonde one immediately turned towards them.

"He could bring back Wilbur, yes."


507 words

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ To be continued ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰

Pandora's Vault / Box / Jar (A Dream SMP and Reader Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now