☊⊑⏃⌿⏁⟒⍀ Thirty

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It was awfully late when (Y/N) decided that it was time for them to finally stand up and get out of bed. They stretched and then put on some fresh clothes that a woman named Puffy and Eret had given them about two weeks ago when they crossed paths on (Y/N)'s meet-up with the monarch.

Since then, the three had hung out a little more and talked a lot. Puffy did not seem to mind what (Y/N) had done in their past, because she didn't know much about it and wasn't here at the time.

After putting on some clothes and getting ready for the day, (Y/N) climbed out of the treehouse they now lived in.

They considered visiting Ranboo today, just to kill some time since they knew that Ranboo, too, was fairly bored recently.

When their feet hit the snow on the ground (Y/N) took a short moment to appreciate how much more in shape they were now than two and a half weeks ago, when they had gotten out of prison.

Their feet didn't hurt anymore when they jumped off of things, and they didn't tire themselves out as easily as in the past.

Now they made their way towards Techno, Phil, and Ranboo's place to see if any of them were even there. (Y/N) didn't have to walk that far and just after a few minutes already could see the cozy cottages from afar.

Just by looking at the chimneys (Y/N) considered going to the SMP instead, simply because they didn't see any smoke coming out as it usually was when someone was home.

Now they slightly changed directions and walked to the portal further in the west. They left deep footsteps in the powdery snow with every step they took and soon reached their destination. It didn't take long for them to arrive at the greater Dream SMP and to start walking down the black stairs that led them across the Prime Path and to the community house.

(Y/N) didn't really know where they wanted to go, what they wanted to do, or who they wanted to meet - they just knew that they had to do something, or else they would end up wasting the day by just laying in their room.

This was only half of the actual reason, though. Since (Y/N) had gotten used to and grown familiar with all of the new and exciting things outside of the prison, they had a far bigger difficulty keeping themselves distracted. This could end up being the reason for a relapse into their drug addiction, which (Y/N) actively tried to and truly wanted to avoid.

Apart from their worries about this specific thing, everything was going fairly well in their life. (Y/N) had truly grown as a person and Phil, Ranboo, and Eret had helped them a lot when they felt the need to talk to someone.

They now had fully accepted that what they did in the past was wrong and unforgivable and that their punishment, which was the time they had spent in Pandora's Vault, was completely justified.

They knew that, even before they got out of the prison, but now it was more of an acceptance of this truth, rather than just an awareness of it. Now that their feet had carried (Y/N) to the big block that was called 'Pandora's Vault' as if their feet had their own will, (Y/N) felt almost at peace with the sight of their old home.

What were they doing here, though? (Y/N) didn't know why this was the one place they would subconsciously walk to when they were bored. It was that, or they had actually come here on purpose but didn't want to admit it to themself.

But when they were already there, they might as well pay the people inside a visit. They walked towards the small room with the portal in front of the actual prison and looked around a little.

They suddenly recalled what they had thought about after their talk with Phil about Dream and his necromancy book. They had sat in the room they shared with Phil for the rest of the night and desperately tried to remember what was written in the powerful book,

which's existence they had subconsciously erased from their memory, as it was only connected to mostly unpleasant events and unpleasant people.

(Y/N) had seen it once or twice back when they had worked under Schlatt, but they never managed to memorize the book's content, even though they had wanted to.

They also had attempted to figure out how Schlatt could have given it to Dream after (Y/N) had hidden it away just a week before the war. If he hadn't, then (Y/N) now would be able to bring back Wilbur without the help of Dream.

Yes, they had considered asking the masked man for help, but Phil had advised them not to, considering the fact that he was a prisoner and (Y/N) could get into some serious trouble if they made any deals with the blob. This wasn't Phil's only reason, though,

the older one had also mentioned that he didn't know how a resurrection would affect Will's spirit counterpart and that he did not want to risk something serious happening to the ghost.

He then had told (Y/N) about the resurrection attempts they had done in the past and that Ghostbur had said that he never wanted to be revived. (Y/N) had thought about that last part for a long time now.

It would be rather cruel of them if they somehow brought back Wilbur and the ghost would have to suffer because of their decision. But on the other hand, they never had many difficulties ignoring others when it came to things that would end up benefitting them.

(Y/N) decided that they didn't need to think about that now and put down the feather. While they were busy thinking about the revive book and Wilbur, Sam had let them into the prison, greeted them, made them read out the rules of the prison, sign them, and had them answer some questions.

Now (Y/N) stepped into the locker Sam had opened for them and put the few things that they were carrying with them into the chest. Their warming coat and heavy boots had to come off as well, which (Y/N) didn't mind.

They locked the chest and put the keycard into the ender chest beside it. Sam locked the small room behind them by pushing down the lever next to him and now led (Y/N) through the security procedures.

(Y/N) walked into the first room and Sam appeared on the other side of a glass wall only a few seconds later. "I need to ask you to take off your clothing, except your underwear, unless you are comfortable with that," he said before pushing a button and trapping (Y/N) in a small cage.

"No problem," they said and followed the warden's orders. They got rid of all their clothing, carefully folded it, and put it through an opening in the cage, as Sam later asked them to. It sounded like the warden walked into the room and now grabbed the clothes.

(Y/N) couldn't see it, but speculated that Sam currently was going through their clothes to make sure that they weren't bringing anything into the prison underneath it. After a few silent moments, Sam's creeper-like hand slipped through the opening of the cage and gave (Y/N) their clothes back.

They quickly put them back on and told Sam when they were done. The warden now was back on the other side of the glass wall and with the push of a button, a small opening in the wall revealed itself. Sam told (Y/N) to crawl through it, which they did.

On the other side (Y/N) found a familiar pit of lava from which a dark floor climbed up to them once Sam pushed another button. The two walked across the dark stone without exchanging a word. (Y/N) soon noticed the weirdly familiar silence, but did not know why it felt so familiar.

That, or they didn't want to remember the reason why it felt so familiar.


1365 words

(A/N: whoops- I accidentally gave you Trauma! Sorry about that!)

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ To be continued ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰

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