"Wh-" before he could finish his enquiry, Theo kissed him hard on the mouth with a ferocious intensity, making Adonis moan out of instinct.

"There. The taste got so much better now." Theo whispered after breaking apart and Adonis blinked.

It took him a moment to register what Theo said and some more to comprehend it. And as soon as he did, he laughed.

He laughed so hard, tears started to prick his eyes and he used his free hand to wipe them away.

"That was so fucking cheesy." Adonis said with a soft smile and playful eyes, while Theo gasped, feigning offense.

"Heyyy, you were supposed to swoon over that and make out with me vigorously, which would lead to fantastic hardcore sex. You ruined it now." The god replied, trying to glare at his lover who was smiling widely, shaking his head.

"Yeah we are not gonna do that...yet." Adonis retorted and Theo brightened up at that, making the latter roll his eyes and flick the god lightly on his forehead.

"We have better things to do right now." He continued while reaching for the basket next to him. He opened it to reveal two very large burgers, giving one to Theo and keeping the other one for himself.

Rummaging further, he took out a large pack of French fries and Theo's favourite spicy Chicken wings. As if answering to the call of his one true love, Theo's stomach rumbled loudly as soon as the wings came into sight, making Adonis chuckle.

"Cut it off! So I am hungry, Fuck off." The God grumbled while averting his eyes, the tip of his ears painted pink and Adonis had to fight off the urge to say awwww out loud. Thank heavens that he did, because as adorable and precious his lover was, there is no doubt about the fact that Theo would punch him in the face if he ever gushed over his cuteness out loud.

So Adonis simply settled for a smile and put all the food in front of them.

"Bon appetitè."

Adonis wished softly, and Theo raided his beloved Chicken wings, before eating anything else, while Adonis munched on his burger, biting back a smile.

"Holy shit, this is so good" the god moaned and Adonis nodded in agreement. He got the food from Theo's favourite restaurant which was all the way in Inferi. But it was so worth it.

"Shouldn't you have cooked some fancy shit for me though? I mean, that seems more fitting for the whole romantic jazz you planned for tonight, right?" Theo asked while dipping some french fries into the sauce, and then to Adonis's utter horror, Theo dipped them into his wine.

"What the actual fuck is wrong with you?" He managed, while shifting away from the god dramatically who rolled his eyes.


"Exactly. What possessed you to do that?!"

"It's not a big deal. It tastes surprisingly good. Here, Try it."

"I would rather commit the art of not living than try that." .

"You dramatic little shit." Theo laughed while shaking his head. "Whatever, your loss anyway. And You didn't answer my question, by the way." He continued and Adonis remembered the said question, which he failed to process back then, after his eyes witnessed that monstrosity committed by his boyfriend.

"Um, that was the plan but..." he trailed off and Theo frowned.

"But what?"

"I may have messed up and burnt the whole thing down...along with part of our kitchen."


Silence was the loudest sound in the room for a whole minute, until Theo's lips tugged upwards, his eyes squinted and his head fell back with the intense force of his loud, howling laughter which filled the whole room and Adonis blushed.

"Hey it wasn't that bad! I only burnt like half of the kitchen! It could be worse." His attempt to defend himself proved to be futile when Theo's roaring laughter increased tenfold at his statement. It was so contagious, Adonis found himself laughing alongside his god.

"It was so embarrassing already but even more, when Yiuwa showed up to talk to you but he found me yelling in the burning kitchen, flailing my arms around trying to save the food. I'd never seen the man look so terrified before." Adonis told, in between fits of laughter, recalling the whole incident and Theo looked like he had trouble breathing. His face was red, his eyes teary and he looked absolutely breathtaking, Adonis concluded.

"Damn, you broke my record. I caused fire almost everywhere other than my own house but you beat me to it." The god announced proudly, as if nothing could please him more than knowing that his boyfriend had almost burnt his entire kitchen.

Adonis rolled his eyes at the weirdness incarnate, that was Theo and the two continued eating, smiling and laughing while exchanging stories. It was pleasant and peaceful, just the two of them in their little tranquil paradise.

After dinner, Adonis put on a Zombie movie much to his distaste, because for some reason, his boyfriend was quite fond of them. So there they laid, cuddled up against each other, watching the morbid movie on screen while making fun of the horrible acting and the terrible graphics.

One movie wasn't enough, so they decided to have a marathon of their favourite classics, including Silence of the Lambs, Phantom of the Opera, Dracula and so many more.

It was about three in the morning, when Adonis realized that Theo's usual commentary was missing. He looked to his side and melted at the sight of his lover sleeping with his mouth slightly opened and his hands clenched in tiny fists, holding on to Adonis's arm.

Theo looked so beautiful, so serene that Adonis took out his phone from his pocket and clicked a picture of him with a smile. He changed his current wallpaper which was a picture of their kittens, bundled up together, sleeping comfortably on a blanket and changed it to the image of his sleeping kitten.

He turned off the movie and switched off the electric candles that were decorating the whole place, leaving only the shining fairy lights.

He laid down comfortably and pulled Theo closer to himself, who laid his head on Adonis's chest sleepily and tried to cuddle even closer, as if they had any distance left between them already, making Adonis smile. He kissed his love on the forehead, then on the nose and finally a little peck on those pouty lips.

"I love you, Theo." He whispered and the latter replied with a soft snore, making Adonis chuckle.

And the two slept, soaking in each other's warmth, underneath the gentle glow of the glimmering lights, feeling safe, protected and cherished.

------ × -------

A/N: They are adorable <3

Theo and Adonis, everyone! One of my favourite ships in the series. Please comment and vote! And tell me if there are some spelling mistakes somewhere because this isn't edited.

Hope you all have a great day/ night ♡

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