"Why are you doing this?" she asked.

"Get over it Carissa, you cheated and we broke up three years ago" I said emphasizing on the "three years".

"Always a fucking bitch" she growled slamming her heel on the carpet.

"Go run back to that manipulating woman you call your sister" I snapped and she stormed out the room holding up her middle finger.

"What's up with her?" Java questioned. Both Java and Matteo tucked their guns back in their pockets sitting back down and I sighed.

"She's obsessed that's what" I answered. We broke up three years now and she still tries to either hook up with me to seduce me to get back with her.

"I can't believe thee 'Ace Kingston' a.k.a the Night Reaper got cheated on" Java stated and I couldn't believe it myself.

"Me neither" Matteo agreed.

"Yeah but I would never cheat" I said and they nodded their heads. Not after seeing how much it affects a relationship. I saw that first hand and gave me the warning to never fall in love.

"Look at us, the three deadly Reapers" Matteo whispered but still audible enough to for Java and I to hear.

'The Three Deadly Reapers'

That's what they called us.

The Night Reaper. Ex-leader of one of the biggest gangs now leader of the American Mafia. Only attacks at night and is one of the top most feared citizen in New York, I'm the Night Reaper.

The Sin Reaper. One of the best hackers and manipulators. He can make you do sinful things without even realizing it. That's Java Astor.

The Grim Reaper. He's an skilled assassin. Quiet and observant, he attacks unknowingly and can slit your throat before you can remind yourself to blink. That's Matteo Hasler.

When people hear that 'The Three Deadly Reapers' were coming. They run, and they hide. Many are afraid but some, they are afraid of what dark secret we'll get out of them.

"Yeah look at us" I muttered.

"Hey isn't that Avery" Java said pointing out the glass window. In the VIP room no one could see in, but we can see out.

Standing up I stood near the window and saw Avery and Violet dancing in the center of the club.

They grinded against each other and moments later their lips attached to one another. I looked away quickly and sat back down utterly confused.

"Why is she here?" Matteo asked.

"I don't know" I responded.

"She's not safe here, she just put an open target on her back" Java pointed out and I sighed rubbing my eyes.

"Does this day get any better" I whispered to myself.

"Java" I called out.

"Make sure people are guarding the doors, if they see Viper. Stop him and take him to the warehouse. Dead or Alive." I ordered and he nodded his head.

Getting up he walked out the room. Matteo stared up at the ceiling and I scrunched my face in disgust at his sad expression.

"What's up with you?" I questioned.

"Violet" he answered.

"Blondie?, seriously?" I asked and he rolled his eyes.

"Yes" he said and I let out a small laugh.

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