Chapter XXVII

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On-looking at the dark sky, Prachi stood by her window. The sky was clear, showcasing sets of unique constellations. The moon looking like a thin silver line someone had stitched in a dark sheet.

Prachi looked on, not seeing something, and absentmindedly turning the cold metal over and over around her finger. Since the day she..... since that day when he had taken off the ring from her finger, practically ripped to be honest, well, since that day, she had always found her hand odd. Empty, without the ring that signified her as his. Since that day, her hand felt foreign to her. Maybe because of the removal of the weight of the ring. But now, when she is wearing this new ring. Her hand seemed so heavy that she almost want to drop it off.

She had a million questions in her mind. Some she knows the answer of, some she doesn't. The answers she knew weren't specifically pleasing, and the answers she didn't know, she don't plan on finding them too.

Like one she didn't know, was that what was heavier? The weight of her broken heart or the weight of the new relationship she is walking into?

This new ring felt heavy because it was foreign to her hand. Will this new relationship she is getting herself into will feel foreign too? She knew the answer to this. Always.

Aarav may have said anything, but she knew, however much time passes, deep down in her heart, she will never be able to forget Ranbir. She will never be able to overcome the emotions and feelings she posses for him. The love she has for Ranbir runs deeper than her blood, it runs in every segment of her soul, and maybe it will continue to do so even after her heart stops beating.

She exhaled a long breath, still playing with her ring as she replayed the entire fiasco since proposing in her head.

She got the car onto the way she was sure they came. Still, she got hold of her mobile from her skirt pocket and instantly punched the address into it, placing it on the dashboard.

She stopped the car someway back from the house, still on the road but she could see the sea from here and got down, the midnight cool breeze immediately gushing past her face and tickling her face with the strands of her hair that had come loose.

She took a ragged breath, hoping the fresh air to clear her head from all of the damn drama scenes going on around her. More like about her. She felt more like a daily soap actress, whose life is written only for the intention of filling it with all the problems one could think of. Taking right from a broken family to twisted sibling, falling for the boy who she had no chance with, kidnappings, humiliations, murder attempts, heartbreak, sacrifices, and now complex turns into a relationship she thought would always remain intact and untouched from the negativity, but it too got pulled right in.

Screwed up, her life is.

Just when she thought that she could be at peace for a few minutes, the world blew her tiny bubble. She heard footsteps and wished them not to notice her and pass quietly, but no, when does anything happen according to her wish for now to be different.

The footsteps halted and she thought that the person had left, but then she heard them again, this time getting louder. Why doesn't everyone leave her alone? She wished it wasn't someone from her family. She was in no mood of talking to anyone yet. Well, she wanted to talk to a certain someone, but he couldn't come here. That too for her, and also while her twin was within a mile distance from them.

She sighed, but the footsteps kept getting closer to her. She looked around, to see someone so that she won't be off-guard. A frown etched on her face as she didn't saw any living being around her. 

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