The Proposal

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"What are you doing?"

Ricky supposes the first words she'd spoken to him in months should be biting and angry. So he isn't completely stifled at her angry glare or crossed arms like she was guarding herself against him.

It was difficult to not get sucked into the memories that surrounded this place. This very garden was the one where Ricky would chase Nini around, pretending to have a poisonous touch. The only base was 'the tree of life', a tall strong willow tree that was a few paces from the property by the gazebo (the place he ran from when she told him she loved him). The garden was surrounded by blossom trees both cherry and white with gardenias littered the pathway to the big front doors. He'd only passed through those doors months ago for their own engagement party.

The young lord clears his throat and takes a deep breath to gather the courage for his statement, Nini stands before him waiting rather impatiently. "I-I came here to prove to you that I still care for you. That we could still have a future together," Her jaw drops, Ricky swallows nervously and takes a cautious step towards her. "If that was still something you wanted?" His voice cracks as he stutters over the words.

The air is still and quiet for a moment, her shocked expression contorts to one of pure confusion while Ricky bites his lip in anticipation. "Have you lost your mind?" Nini finally yells, Ricky startles a bit at her tone and his now widen eyes look from the estate where the party was still very much going on back to her figure. granted the garden was a good distance from the ballroom but still very well anyone can decide to get air and catch them, it was most improper for an engaged woman and a bachelor (one she was previously engaged to no less) to meet and talk in secret.

"No...?" Ricky says unsure.

"Perhaps you haven't realized I'am engaged, you are currently at a formal celebration of my engagement. To another person." Nini so graciously supplies in an annoyed tone.

Ricky nods and his head suddenly feels heavy, like it was being weighed down by rocks. "I realize that yes."

"And that's why we're having this fun little conversation now?" Nini sarcastically quips. Ricky purses his lips, thinking to himself perhaps Red was right this would be a bit more complicated than expected.

"I know this is most indecent and definitely crossing quite a few lines. But I have to make my intentions known" He insists, this time Nini takes an intentional step back.

"You're intentions are not commitment bound." She snaps. "You simply coast and at the sign of commitment you sink into some imaginary hole in the floor." She says gesturing toward the ground below her.

"I didn't sink, I just wasn't ready to say those words then." Ricky denies.

"Ricky, I honestly have no idea what you thought would happen." Nini shakes her head, incredulous. "You thought you could just send me some letter then come here and proclaim, not that you love me, but that you want to marry me? she recapped in bewildered indignation.

Ricky straightens as if just realizing something significant, "So you did get my letter?" He immediately asks.

"Christ the absolute nerve of you!" Nini exclaims at the impossibility of the boy in front of her. "Yes, I got your letter."

"W-well...did you-" Ricky tries to asks through his lashes.

"No, I didn't read it." She replies indignant and his face falls. "Why not?"

"Why?" Nini bitterly responds with her arms crossed.

"Y-yes." Ricky tries to stand firm in his words, he straightens a bit in his efforts.

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