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The great hall was starting to fill up with students happy to see each other and catching up on what they did during their six week break after Dumbledore's sudden death that put Hogwarts into a week of sad and upsetting silence. Severus stood up to the podium as all the students started quietening down and Y/N held onto Pansy's arm, Y/N would never have expected to see the day her father become headmaster of Hogwarts. Severus welcomed everyone back and hoped that their six week break helped them and let them mourn over the late Dumbledore. "I would like to introduce Professor Amycus Carrow" Severus said as a man stood up smiling out to the students, "he will be the new Dark Arts professor, please make him feel welcome" Severus continued as students clapped for the man who waved at them. "New Dark Arts professor every year" Crabbe said, "I wonder if it will ever change" Goygle added making Y/N shake her head at the two boys. The beginning of the year feast began and all the students happily dug into the food, Y/N looked over to see Professor McGonagall and her father talking together as they ate.

"Are you still having bad dreams?" Pansy whispered to her friend and Y/N shook her head, "thankfully they are gone" Y/N said taking a bite of her food. "Do you ever wonder why you have those bad dreams?" Blaise asked and Y/N shook her head, "I just have them after I witness someone's death or see someone dying in front of me" Y/N said as she remembered seeing her mother's dying body in the hospital. "When my mother passed away, I kept having the same bad dream of my father following her into a dark alleyway and never coming out" Y/N said and Pansy looked towards her friend. "I never understood it until my father told me it was my mind playing with my emotions I was feeling after my mother was gone" Y/N said, "it's your deepest fears" Pansy added and Y/N nodded. "Now I have bad dreams about people I care about dying at the hands of Tom before he takes my own life" Y/N said and took a sip of her soda. "The fear of losing your loved ones often becomes the result of big changes in your life" Hermione said as she turned to face the group. "You fear that the ones you care about will leave you one day" Hermione added as she smiled towards the girl making Y/N smile weakly back.

Y/N was walking to her dormitory from her potion class with Professor Slughorn when someone pulled her into the broom closet. Y/N was about to scream when she felt soft lips press against hers, Draco's, Y/N pushed the older boy away as Draco chuckled under his breath. "You know you don't have to pull me by surprise just to get a kiss out of me" Y/N said as she smiled up at her boyfriend. "I know, but it's hard to kiss you when your father is everywhere" Draco said as he pouted and placed a kiss against Y/N's lips again. Severus was seen everywhere since being headmaster, he had to be on alert if anything strange happened since he was the on to give the orders to fight or retreat. Y/N giggled against Draco's lips as she pulled her boyfriend down into another kiss before the broom closest opened to reveal Pansy, "stop making out" Pansy said and pulled Y/N out of the closet as Draco followed behind. "Someone said they had spotted Tom near the quidditch field" Pansy said and Draco grabbed onto Y/N's hand as the three of them walked to see what everyone was looking at. "Everyone to your dormitories" Professor McGonagall yelled and students were running to their dormitories quickly and Draco pulled Y/N away as they walked to his dormitory.

"Now where were we?" Draco said as she pushed Y/N against his door and pressed his lips to hers as he pulled her leg up holding her against the wall. Y/N wrapped her arms around Draco and kissed him back making Draco more affectionate as he held onto Y/N's thigh tracing on the outside closer to her panties before someone knocked on the door. Draco ignored it as Y/N giggled against his lips, "Y/N your father wants to see you" Pansy called out from the other side of the door and Draco immediately pulled away from Y/N making her shake her head as she fixed her uniform and opened the door to see Pansy smirking. Y/N walked into the Slytherin common room to see her father standing with something in his hands, as she got closer she could see what it was, a tube of dragon blood mixed with unicorn blood. "I need you to give this to Tom" Severus said to her daughter who widen her eyes at her fathers words, "no" Draco said and pulled Y/N behind him. "She's not going anywhere near him" Draco said as Y/N pulled Draco back facing her father again, "Draco" Y/N whispered as she faced the older boy. "She's the only one he trusts" Severus said and handed Y/N the tube, "it's mixed with Sleeping Draught" Severus continued. "It will keep Tom asleep until we can get him to Azkaban" Professor Slughorn said as he stepped forward into the room. Y/N nodded as she turned to Draco and Pansy who were looking over in shock, "I'll be fine" Y/N reassured them before pulling Pansy into a hug. "I'll be back before my birthday" Y/N said as she smiled at Draco who held onto her for longer than Severus liked as the headmaster pulled them away making Y/N giggle to herself as Severus was still not used to them dating.

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