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Y/N was running down the Hogwarts hallway with blood dripping down her hands, she didn't know how the blood got there or when she left her dormitory. Y/N was running from Tom, he was chasing after her after she refused to stand by his side and take over Hogwarts. Y/N ran into the room of requirements to find Draco on the ground bleeding, she ran to him and fell to his side. "Draco" Y/N cried as she tried to shake the boy awake, but he was cold to the touch and there was a lot of blood surrounding his unconscious body. Y/N sat on her knees as she cried uncontrollably as she felt Draco's hand choke her and force her against the wall. Y/N opened her eyes to see Tom holding her against the wall holding his wand as it got closer to her head. "Stop" Y/N yelled at him trying to kick him away, "I can't hear you" Tom said and Y/N felt someone grab her arm. "Y/N" the person said and Y/N fell to the ground, Y/N sat up in her bed as Pansy was sitting next to her. "Bad dream again?" Pansy said and Y/N looked to see Pansy looked worried for her friend, Y/N nodded her head. "Same one, over and over again" Y/N said as she put her head in her hands trying to shake the dream away. Pansy pulled her friend into a hug as Y/N was trying to calm down, "I don't feel like sleeping anymore" Y/N said and looked up at Pansy. "We can watch the sunset from Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle's dormitory if you want" Pansy said and Y/N nodded.

Y/N walked into the great hall to see Draco talking to Pansy and Blaise but stop as soon as Y/N approached closer to the group. Y/N looked down at her plate before she looked to Dumbledore who was talking with Severus, "talking about me again?" Y/N said and looked at Pansy. "Y/N, we are just worried" Pansy said and reached out to hold her friends hand, "I'm fine Pansy, it's just a bad dream" Y/N said and sipped her water. "Yeah a bad dream you keep having" Draco said and held onto Y/N's waist, "they'll stop eventually" Y/N said and the group looked in confusion towards her. Y/N looked up and rolled her eyes at the group who were staring at her, "I went through the same thing with my mother" Y/N whispered and Draco held her hand as he squeezed it.

"Why didn't you tell me that you use to have bad dreams after your mother?" Draco asked Y/N who was reading her novel, as he sat next to her on the Slytherin common room couch. "I was young" Y/N said not looking up from her novel and Draco took the novel out of her hand making her look at him, "why didn't you tell me?" Draco asked again and Y/N sighed. "I thought it was stupid" Y/N whispered as she looked down to her hands making Draco tilted her chin to look at him. "Bad dreams are not stupid" Draco said, "never think that telling me something is stupid" Draco continued. "I want you to tell me things so I can help you and support you in every way I can" Draco said and wrapped his arm around Y/N pulling her close. "I just get scared sometimes" Y/N whispered against Draco who kissed her forehead in reassure.

Severus was sitting in Dumbledore's office as Dumbledore wanted to talk to him about Tom and Mattheo but Severus could feel that Dumbledore had called him in for another reason. "Severus, I need to ask you for something that may change the way people view you" Dumbledore asked as he stood looking at his beloved books in his office. Severus sat up in his seat, "What may this change do?" Severus asked and Dumbledore sat down in his seat looking directly into Severus' eyes. "Tom is planning to kill me" Dumbledore said and Severus looked confused, "his father has always had something out for me, ever since I first met the orphan boy at Wool's Orphanage" Dumbledore said and looked to his Elder wand. "What do you want me to do?" Severus asked as he held his hands together, "I need you to kill me before Tom does" Dumbledore said and Severus froze in his seat. "I can't do that" Severus said and Dumbledore looked down, "I know you can't, but you must" Dumbledore said. "I want to die at the very hands of someone I knew, not some boy who's father made many mistakes holding onto what he wanted" Dumbledore said and Severus nodded. "I'm already dying Severus and old age is the weakness for great wizards like myself" Dumbledore said and Severus shifted his hands within his lap. "I wouldn't want to die in a powerless battle, but rather at the fact that when I die at your hands, you don't just take my position, but my wand, to keep it safe from him" Dumbledore continued and Severus felt a single tear fall down his cheek. "Of course Albus" Severus said speaking Dumbledore's first name in many years.

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