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"What do you want for your birthday Draco?" Y/N asked as she looked up from her novel to see Draco walking over to her in the library, "I want you" Draco said as he leaned in to tickle Y/N making her laugh loud before she slapped Draco's arm. "I'm being serious Malfoy" Y/N said, Draco and Y/N started talking again as they decided to try and work on their relationship but unfortunately for Draco they were just friends at the moment. "I just want you to be mine again, like I want everyday" Draco said and Y/N shook her head before she went back to reading. "You read all about the fictional Prince Charming when your real one is here" Draco said as he put his head above the page Y/N was reading, "are you my Prince Charming?" Y/N asked Draco raising her eyebrows making him pout towards her. "I'm trying to be" Draco said as he played with a fruit bar between his fingers, "I know you are" Y/N whispered and rubbed Draco's arm. "Do I at least get a kiss for my birthday?" Draco said as he grinned towards Y/N, "ah" Y/N said pretending to think for an answer, "no" she said making Draco sad. "You better leave for quidditch training, you can't be late again" Y/N said as she leaned in and kissed Draco's cheek before she covered her face with her novel, as she was smiling widely. Draco stood up shaking his head as he felt a faint blush crept up his cheeks as he walked out of the library.

"Hey Y/N will you come visit during the summer break?" Tom asked as Y/N and Pansy walked onto the platform 9 and 3/4, "I'll have to see if I'm available" Y/N said as she hugged the Riddle brothers bye. "We have to celebrate you graduating and talk about what you're going to do next" Pansy said and Y/N nodded. A women in her forties approached the boys hugging them as a little girl smiled widely up at them, their mother and adopted sister. Not much happened during the rest of the year, Y/N became Tom and Mattheo's professor of how to use and write with a quill. Professor Umbridge was removed from Hogwarts and Dumbledore returned as the headmaster and Hagrid threw him a little party as many people missed him. Draco and Y/N were still being friends while they worked out their relationship, and Pansy and Blaise came out as a couple after Y/N caught Blaise sleeping in Pansy's bed two weeks before.

Y/N walked into her kitchen to see an apple pie sitting on the kitchen bench with a note attached. Y/N read the note

mother wanted you to have this

and giggled as one of her house elves told her to turn it over,

oh and this

Y/N read and heard someone walk into the kitchen and she looked up to see Draco holding a green apple in his hand playing with it. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming over?" Y/N asked as she walked towards Draco, "I like surprising you" Draco said as they shared a soft hug. Draco had left two weeks earlier as his father wanted him to help him with some family business, which was signing many papers into Draco's name. "You want a tour?" Y/N asked and Draco giggled, "I think I could remember my way around perfectly. fine my darling" Draco said as he hadn't been back to the Snape Manor since his first year at Hogwarts. "My father moved the couch though, you might get lost" Y/N said as she pointed to their big couch that was placed in front of their fireplace. "You kept it" Draco said and Y/N laughed, "excuse me, the couch is really comfortable" Y/N said as she walked towards it and sat on the back of it. "No, this" Draco said as he pointed towards a portrait of him and Y/N when they first started at Hogwarts, Lexia wanted to have something in her home to see their smiling faces. "My father hasn't touched anything since the day" Y/N said as she walked towards the glass cabinet to see her mothers wand resting in a little box with a slot for her father's wand when he passes away. "My mother keeps hers in her private office so it reminds her that we are both still young" Draco said as he walked up behind Y/N resting his chin on her shoulder as they both stared at the wand soon to be reunited with its soulmate.

"What do you plan on doing now?" Y/N asked Tom as she took a sip from her iced chocolate with extra whipped cream. "I'm not sure, my mother wants me to teach muggle children how to read but I want to do something else" Tom said, "what's that?" Y/N asked curious to hear what the new wizard had in mind.  "I've had my mind on it for a while since I saw my father's body burning" Tom said and Y/N felt a chill up her spine making her sit up right, "are you okay?" Tom asked as he chuckled to himself. "I'm fine" Y/N said as she sipped on her drink and Pansy was with Blaise laughing giving each other looks. "You two are very annoying" Y/N said and Pansy giggled at her friend, "now you know how I felt when you are Draco use to always be hanging out with us" Pansy said and Y/N slapped her arm. "Do you want to go for a walk?" Tom asked Y/N as she looked in disgust to Pansy's comment, "I would love to but I promised Bellatrix that I would see her" Y/N said as she stood up making Tom stand up as well. "What about tonight?" Tom said as Y/N bent down to hug Pansy, "I'm stargazing with Draco" Y/N said as she hugged Blaise and waved to Tom as she left the muggle cafe.

Draco and Y/N laid on the top of the hill near the Malfoy Manor looking up at the stars, "look it's Capricorn" Y/N said and pointed to the constellation of stars. "And Gemini" Draco said as he pointed to his own constellation of stars, "they look like they are coming closer together" Y/N said as she smiled a little. "It must be a sign" Draco said as he turned to look at Y/N as her hair fell to the side and your eyes sparkled looking up at the night sky. "You know my mother was a Gemini" Y/N said as she felt sadness come over her body, "and your father is a Capricorn just like you" Draco added reaching out to hold Y/N's hand and squeezing it in comfort. "Do you think we are meant to be?" Y/N asked as she looked over at Draco who was staring at the night sky before he turned his head to face her, "I think if our stars are alining together anything is meant to be" Draco said as he brought Y/N's hand up and kissed her knuckles. "Promise me that we will wait until we don't break each others hearts again" Y/N said and Draco hovered over her face looking down into her bright eyes. "I promise that no matter what happens, I will wait and I will make it the best time once I have you back" Draco said and kissed Y/N on the forehead making her smile.

Y/N read another novel while Mattheo looked out the window watching the mountains and trees pass by. They were on their way to Hogwarts for their sixth year and Mattheo was acting a bit more nervous then he thought he would be. "You'll be fine without your brother" Y/N said as she reached out on the table and held Mattheo's shaking hand, "it's not that" Mattheo said and Y/N looked up at him. "I just want to be good" Mattheo said and held onto Y/N's hand a bit tighter, "you are good Mattheo" Y/N said and rubbed Mattheo's knuckles hoping to calm him down a bit. "Let's hope so" Mattheo whispered to himself as he looked down at his hands and the ring Tom gave him from their mother. 'Make me proud' were the last words Mattheo heard his brother say to him before he got onto the train with the ring tightly in his hand.

Draco sit opposite of Pansy and Blaise while they giggled to each other making Draco miss the way him and Y/N use to be. "Sometimes you two make me feel sick" Draco said and Blaise stopped talking to Pansy as he looked at his best friend who was looking out the window. "I'm sorry" Blaise said as he hoped that Draco would hear him, "it's fine, continue I'm going to go for a walk" Draco said and smiled at the couple before he stood up from the booth and walked down the train and opened the door to go into the next carriage. Draco passed a few booths before his eyes sat on Y/N reading her novel while leaning against the window alone. "What's this one about?" Draco said as he sat opposite Y/N and lifted the novel to see the cover, there was a shirtless man in black and white with fire burning around him. "A women falls in love with a vampire, and their love is forbidden because the town people have a rival with the vampires" Y/N said not looking up from the novel.

"Forbidden love? Sounds kinky" Draco said and Y/N hit his arm with her book, "Romeo and Juliet had a forbidden love" Y/N said as she looked down at her novel again. "Doesn't Romeo die?" Draco said and Y/N giggled, "yeah because he thinks Juliet died but she was just in a coma" Y/N said and Draco raised his eyebrows. "So she moves on to a new man, typical women" Draco said and Y/N looked up from her novel, "actually she stabs herself to be with him because he's her true love" Y/N said as she turned a page in her novel making Draco widen his eyes. "Would you kill yourself to be with your true love?" Draco asked and Y/N looked up from her novel, "I don't know" Y/N said as she avoided eye contact with Draco. "What do you know then Snape?" Draco asked smirking at Y/N, "I know that I would kill for my true love even if it meant I had to die for his life" Y/N said and Draco shook his head. "Too many fictional loves" Draco said and threw a chocolate frog at Y/N he found in his pocket.

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