My Pretty Boy (JiLix)

Start from the beginning

He was leaning against a wall on the opposite side of the room, holding a colorful drink while conversing with three other people – all of them also appeared to be around his age, and they looked like they were having fun, if the broad grins they were sharing were anything to go by.

Too caught up in observing them, Felix failed to realize that the handsome guy he'd been eyeing suddenly looked up and, before he knew it, they made eye contact. He stiffened, gulping a bit as the guy gauged him for a tense second... then offered him a wide grin and a small wave of the hand. Felix shyly waved back before promptly turning around to face the counter again, his ears burning red.

That was so embarrassing! Even if the guy was hot, there was no way he'd be able to talk to him, let alone flirt. Felix already couldn't flirt to save his life, but doing it in a different language? Yeah, not happening.

"There you go, Lix!" beamed Chan as the bartender suddenly slid a fruity drink his way. "I ordered for you, I know how you like them. Also, his name's Minho! He doesn't speak English, but he's really nice and said to tell him if anyone bothers you because he knows the owner or something like that."

With a nod and a slightly awkward smile for Minho – who returned it immediately – Felix gratefully accepted his drink before hesitantly turning around again. The hot guy wasn't anywhere to be seen anymore, and he let out a little sigh. Just because he couldn't flirt didn't mean he couldn't enjoy some eye candy, but he supposed he'd simply have to deal with it.

After a few minutes, Chan basically abandoned him to go dance and mingle, always the social butterfly. While Felix adored dancing, he was too shy to do it amongst a crowd like that, even more so when he couldn't understand a word they were saying. So, he simply settled for sitting at the bar and enjoying the general mood of the place. 

He finished his drink at some point, but he didn't pay it too much mind. Just as he put his empty glass down, however, a new one was slid forward. He blinked, startled, before looking up at Minho, who grinned again.

"On the house," he said, his tone heavily accented. "From him."

From who...?

Curious, Felix looked in the direction Minho was pointing at, and he almost dropped his new drink in surprise when he found none other than the hot guy from earlier now sitting at the other end of the bar, watching him with dark eyes and an alluring smile. He lifted his drink in greeting and, after a moment of hesitation, Felix slowly made his way over to him.

"Hello, beautiful." Felix instantly flushed a deep red. There was a slight accent to the guy's English, which made him even hotter in his opinion, and the nickname definitely flustered him. "What's a pretty gem like you doing here, hm?"

"I- I came here with my brother," answered Felix, gulping a bit. "And, um, we're here on vacation...? We- we heard this bar was the best around, so we wanted to check it out."

"That's cool. Where are you from?"


The other perked up at that. "Really? That's neat. I've always wanted to visit the place. Is it as hot as I've heard?"

"Probably worse."

The other barked out a small laugh at that, and butterflies set off in Felix's stomach at the beautiful sound. The other then extended his hand to him.

"I'm Han Jisung – but you can call me anytime, pretty boy."

Felix flushed again. He was used to other people flirting with him, boys and girls alike, but no one had ever had such an effect on him, and he simply couldn't place why Jisung was different.

Shining Star//Dimming Light (VOL.2) (Felix X SKZ ONE-SHOTS)Where stories live. Discover now