48 (TW)

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You hear sincere screaming and you run downstairs and see handro spinning with him.

You: baby don't do that I jus had a whole ass heart attack hearing him screa, like that oh my God.

Geesy: oh sorry mami gimme kiss.

He pecks your lips a few times and Mateo groans loudly.


You: shut up You half straight.

Mateo: i know but I got my baby right now. So very gay.

He kisses Santino laughing and they sit on the floor playing with sincere while you lay on the couch

Geesy: do you feel okay?

"Yea. I guess."

Santino: um guys, we're gonna go okay.

You: oooooooo for whaaaaat seggsies?

Mateo: oh my god no

You: oh for what.

Santino: we gonna go to the place and pick a surrogate and make the eggies outta his and ima give spermies and we gonna a bitch pregnant an kill her ass after the baby born.

Mateo: I didn't say 100% yes papas

Geesy: ayyyy nah stop leeching off her name for me. Copy ass hoe.

Mateo:we gotta gooooo.

They leave and sincere lays on you kisingnyour stomach

Simcere: bestos a baby!

Geesy: yea pop.

He picks him up taking him to the loft and he put s a movie on coming back downstairs.

Geesy: come. Let's go lay down mamas.

You: okay.

You hold his hand go upstairs and you lay in bed with him tired.

You: I hate this so much.

Geesy: why my love.

You: being pregnant is horrible. It's the worst thing I've ever experienced.

Geesy: well the result is worth it. Sins amazing.

You: yea i know but I just freak out about it sometimes.

Geesy: don't worry my love. We'll be fine and she'll be beautiful like you.

You: hopefully small like me too. I dontnhave the time or energy to be chasing another kid 2 times the average size.

Geesy: he's not 2 times the average.

You: he's 2 years old and he fits clothes that are for 5 years Olds. Hes 2.5 times the average handro

Geesy: it don't make sense. He was so small when he was born and he was small until this past year and he just likenfucoin blew up he's huge.

You: yea. Is there a bump yet?

Geesy: uhhh not really just your pretty chubs

You: thanks.

Geesy: mhm. I loooooove yo lil fat fatsssssss

You: why?

Geesy: cuz that means you've been eating and it give me more of you to love and touch on. I dont like super small girls who just skin and bones.

You: you need you a meaty bitch.

Geesy: glad you said it and not me.

You: youre funny bebe

Geesy: I knooow. So fuckin funny.

You: its like 7 right.

Geesy: mhm.

You: early night?

Geesy: yea. Sin prolly gon sleep through the night anyways.

You: yay.

Geesy: I cant believe you're gonna be 6 fuckin weeks tomorrow oh my goddddd

You: yea. Oh remember that thing I was gonna get you for Christmas a week ago

Geesy: mhmmmm

You: it'll be here tomorrow.

Geesy: cool. You still ain tell me what it is maaaaaaa tell me now.

You: something you'll like don't worry about it.

You curl up next to him closing you eyes and you go to sleep......you wake up around 4 am and go to us the bathroom.


I go to use the bathroom and I wipe and there's blood. So I just put a pad on and get up, but my brain just goes YOURE PREGNANT and I just stand there. And I start screaming crying and now handros standing here

Geesy: hey babyyy what's matter huh what happened to my girl

And I dont say anything. Just motion to the toilet and he looks and looks back to me and his expression just makes it worse so he hugs me wiping his own face

Geesy: okay um it's okay princess. It happens sometimes. Alright. And it's natural and it's fine. It just didn't w-work out okay. So just come lay down okay.

But I sit down. And I just sit there crying and he ends up doing the same after handing me a blanket. And we sit there. Crying. For the rest of the night.....the next day. Sin comes into the bathroom smiling

Sincere: morna. Sleep nice?

Geesy: uhuh. N-no sleep papa. Go downstairs and um I'll get food 9kay.

Sincere: I got give mama an baby kiss.

So we let him. Give him the benefit of doubt. Because it'll break his heart. He's a baby himself and I know he can't handle it. Handro takes him downstairs and I lay in our bed. Just silently. No tears. No whining. Just dead. And handros comes and joins me eventually.

Geesy: he's watching movies.

I nod. And he lays there crying again. And I feel bad. So I hold him

Geesy: im sorry a-all my tour stuff prolly stressed you out and then it happened

I shake my head turning over and pulling the blanket over my head. And we lay there.


My baby. Gone.

I got up at like 4 cuz vals in the bathroom like havin a heart attack and dyin and shit so I stand there tryna figure it out. And she points to the toilet. So I look. And it's full of blood. So I just look at her because I know what I'm thinking. That the baby's gone. And she nods so I just stand there which sets her ass off. So I hold her and wipe my own face and we end up sitting here all night. And i know it's my fault. I had her all stressed with my tour and album and shit and I told her I got it all but she still helped me and made sure I did what I had to. And it stressed her out. A lot. I know it did. And now we're here. Sitting in the bathroom all night. No talking no questions. Just here.

Sin came up. Said his good mornings. And he sits here holding her belly having a conversation. With nobody. Because there's nothing there. Not anymore. So I take him and feed him and he asks questions

Sincere: dada. Is baby sleep?

Yea forever. But I can't say that.

"Nap time. Yea."

He goes into the loft unpausing his movie from the night before and I go back upstairs and lay with her. And I apologize but she doesnt move or speak. She just let's me cry. And she holds me.  And i apologize again and she turns away from me. And we lay there for the day.


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