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You sit up the next day and wipe your face andnyou go into the bathroom and wash your face and you see sincere on the couch watching TV

You: hey papas you okay

He ignores you giving you a mean face and your heart drops

You: here. How about we go get ice cream for you forgive me baby

Sincere: okay. I I im I'm soy mama.

You: its okay. You didn't mean it

You get him dressed and you put on some sweatpants a hoodieand walk to the ice cream place and you see ruby and jasmine

You: hi.

Ruby: hey whats up

You: nothing just lost my everything

Jasmine: girl what?

You: me and geesy had a huge fight so now we said bye I guess. I dont know what it mean but we said it.

Ruby: oh val noooo. Im so sorry v.

You: its fine. Ill figure it out.

Ruby: you'll get it.

Jasmine: for sure

You: bye guys

Ruby: bye val. Bye sincere

Sincere: bye wuby bye jas.

You get him his ice cream and walk back home

Sincere: can dada call me

You: he's not gonna

Sincere: no no tamo now?

You: no.

Sincere: daddy don't love me no more?

You: I dont know. I think he loves you a lot papa

Sincere: no doesn daddy always call me mama.

You: not anymore.

You lay down in your bed crying and your phone goes off with notifications on Instagram and you see people taggingnyou in stuff of you sincere and geesy and you throw your phone screaming.


You lay there silently crying and you just start to feel numb after a while and you end up cutting your arms as a punishment for sinceres pain

You: you fucking dumbass. How you okay with hurting him like that. You fucking stupid.

You put the razor blade in your drawer and put a hpodie on and you go back to sleep,

November 1st 2021

You wake up and wipe your face and you sit there cutting for a while out of routine and you put your hpodie on andngo fo the bathroom and sincere hugs you

Sincere: is almost my birday mama.

You: I know. Youre having a party here

Sincere: cool mama.

He kisses your thigh since he's short and he sits on the couch with his pacifier in his mouth and he lays down

You: Mateo can you please

Mateo: yea.

He takes sincere to your room and you lay on the couch crying again and you sit up hearing the door and you open it seeing Cesar

Cesar: hey.

You: hi

Cesar: whats up.

He smiles flopping onto the couch

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