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He squeezes your thighs a few times

You: hm

Geesy: we almost home baby

You: but I want ups

Geesy: fine go back to sleep ma.

You ignore him sitting up watching him drive and he rubs his face looking back at you

Geesy: you wanna switch its like an hour im bout die mama.

You: sure.

He stops and you switch and you start driving and you hear him on the phone

Geesy: yea I know.......ma I knooooooow......I will......can I do it on my own time goddamn.......lo siento ma.......okay well you not the one doing it to her........maaaaaaaaa........why don't you call her and do it yourself........OH my godddddddddddd........MOM NO.......I dont care.....it'll happen when it happens.....she ain't even graduate yet I can't just ask her to.......I know.......what bae

You: nothing You just scaring me. Talkin bout stuff and I don't know what it is.

Geesy: ma I'll call you later.

He hangs up and sits up looking at you while you drive

Geesy: car sex sounds fun hm?

You: an activity for another time.

Geesy: bet. Anyways I was talkin bout moving.

You: to?

Geesy: new York.

You: handro. Stop playing.

Geesy: im not. I really wanna

You: I cant.

Geesy: and why not.

You: its not exactly easy to leave your brothers when they're the only people you got

Geesy: you got me and sin

You: yall came outta my mom too?

Geesy: you right ma. I'm sorry nevermind.

You: its okay baby you didn't do nothing wrong. It's just something I'm not prepared for mentally. You know

Geesy: yea.

You: its a great idea though I'd do it for sure. Just wait I guess.

Geesy: yea. I dont really wanna do it now either. I kinda want sin grow up like we did. Lots and lots and looooots of family.

You: I get that.

Geesy: cool.

He leans over the seat playing with your hair zoning out as you drive and you pull into the driveway and get out making him upset

Geesy: waaaait I was playing with that baby come baaaack.

You go inside running upstairs and you go into the closet and he comes and turns around covering his eyes

Geesy: damn. My bad v. You look good though.

You: handro you can look papas. We're dating. And we have a whole kid.

Geesy: no. Because I know if I look I'm not gonna be able to contain ,y uh my ummmm

You: self?

Geesy: ehh not exactly my self...my um

You: mini.

Geesy: its not mini but yea.

You: I know, but I have a shirt and shorts now .

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