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He holds your face making you look at him

You: what, sorry.

Geesy: do you want coffee or a donut or something.

You: uhhhh

Geesy: whats wrong

You: I dont really wanna eat. Cuz then I'll bloat.

Geesy: babe.

You: pink donut?

Geesy: are you gonna eat it

You: yea.

He orders it and pulls up to the window grabbing his coffee andnhe hands you the bag

You: there's 3.

Geesy: yea. Ones mine other 2 are yours princess.

You: why

Geesy: you usually eat 2 so. Eat.

You: im good.

He takes his eating it quickly and he looks at you

Geesy: eat.

You: im fine, you want em?

Geesy: no. Eat.

You: im not hungry anymore

Geesy: nah cuz why you wanna switch up now. You always hungry always get 2 of whatever and eat be fine but now you aint gon eat cuz it's 2. Whats wrong with you?

You: nothing papa im fine. Just dont wanna eat right now

Geesy: ma.

You: ale I swear I'm fine.

Geesy: Valentina.

You: geesyyyyyy im fiiiiine

Geesy: youre not.

You: what makes you think that

Geesy: you'll only eat if sins watchin and you only call me geesy if you lying or sum wrong.

You: babe. There's nothing wrong I swearrrr.

Geesy: then eat.

You: im not hungry

Geesy: then we're gonna sit here at this light until your take a bite.

You: there's other cars.

Geesy: since when do I give a fuck about other people and their opinions or thoughts.

You: handro.

Geesy: the lights green and we're still here.

You take a bite glaring at him and he smiles driving again and he rolls the windows up locking them

You: dude. It's hot as balls.

Geesy: I have ac. You gon eat

You: are we close yet

Geesy: yea. We're here now. Finish the donut though

You: can I pee when we go in I'll go quick.

Geesy: mhm. You done your donut. You can eat the other one later princess.

You get out holding his hand and you go inside and you see a bunch of girls and a group of guys

Geesy: yo where's the bathroom she gotta go.

Danny: down there and to the left.

Geesy: go.

You run to the bathroom and lock the door and you stick your finger down your throat throwing up and you wipe you face and wash your hands and you go back

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