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Geesy gets up and you get on his shoulders and he groans

Geesy: for what,

You: because you mines,

Geesy: off. Please my love.

You: nooooo you ain gimme loves

Geesy: val.

You: no

Geesy: Valentina,

You: nope. I dont care if I'm already in troubleeeeee.

Geesy: bro move.

He pushes you off of him going downstairs and you follow him

You: nooo don't leave me, I'm sorry for not listening papas

Geesy: huh? It's fine I dont care. We're out of your period stuff and yo ice cream and I wanted to go get Aiden

You: you cant baby sinna all sick and Aiden be all up on him Aiden is gon get sick bae,

Geesy: oh. Okay, well I'm gonna go get your more pads and tampons and um do you need your meds?

You: for?

Geesy: I thought you said you got meds for your um forcing and shit

You: oh n-no baby I'm okay. Just the pads and tampons and ice cream. You can pick up something for dinner or I'll cook okay.

Geesy: can you coooooook pleeeeeease. Its okay if you're tired I'll cook.

You: im tired, and you're not allowed in my kitchen. So pick up some um

Geesy:2 boxes of birrias from the place by the house.

You: ooooo yea yea yeaaaaa gimme kissey papa.

He leans over kissing you and he leaves and you lay in sinceres bed holding him and playing with his hair and gizmo comes running into the room

You: hi gizmo. What you doin baby hm?

Gizmo sits and pees on sinceres rug and you pick him up yelling n


You lock him in the cage and throw sinceres rug in the washer and geesy comes inside

Geesy: princess? You sleep or no.

You: no, gizmo pissed on sins rug. So now he's locked up sin is sleep and I'm annoyed pregnant and tired.

Geesy: BITCH.

You: dont call me that.


You: yea and, we've done this before and we'll do it again okay

Geesy: no mamaaaaas don't be a depressed rat about it I'm excited I want a lil girl. I got my mini so you get yours.

You: and if it's another boy

Geesy: you can do all the shopping and dressing, I'll keep sins clothes to myself and you got that one.

You: mhm. Yea. Sorry I ain plan no cute ass corny way of telling you I just haven't felt great.

Geesy:did you take a test

You:ive missed two periods and I threw up 2 days ago and I went to the doctor while you were sleep a week ago. I'm 3 weeks and don't bug me, I'm tired and I feel horrible.

Geesy: but I brought you food lovey

You: fine,

You stand at the counter eating with him and you go upstairs and lay down

Geesy: we got a lil family goin. 1 more after this one?

You: yea. Maybe I can be an adult next time,

Geesy: youre a great mom anyways. I love you.

You: I love you too baby

Geesy: can we be corny when we tell sin.

You: as corny as you think it needs to be my love.


You lay there holding him and playing with his hair for a while until you both fall asleep for the night.


It's been about 2 weeks since I told handro and he's been like really really excited.

Geesy: okay ima tell him

You: baaaaabeeee chill it's not even in you. It's in meeeee.

Geesy: just come.

He drags me down the hall to sinceres room where he's be seen camping out since he's still sick

Geesy: pop guess what.

Sincere: whatyyyy!

Geesy: youre gonna be a big brother papa.

Sincere: huuuh?

Geesy: mama got a baby in her belly.


Geesy: nooo mama aint eat nobody bro bro mama just got one in her belly so soon there's gon be a lil baby here and you gon be da big homie


Geesy: look I got a picture of the baby.

He hands him the picture of the ultrasound sincere sits there investigating it for a while and he hugs you

Sincere: so nice mama,

You: yea papas are you excited.

Sincere: mhm. I go ta nap

He lays back down andmyou hold handros hand sitting on the couch l

Geesy: this is gonna be great. A-and we can get a bigger house. I wanna buy you a bigger house my love,

You: no bebe You don't have to I'm happy in this one we're all happy.

Geesy: okay, wanna watch movies

You: sure

You sit on the floor under a blanket watching TV and he groans

Geesy: why it goin so sloooooowwww like speed it up ain nobody finna watch this shit, sloooooow hurry vamos quick fast ima cry so slow Jesus help porfa oh my goddd babe bae baby mamas ma mami love princess mama wake uppppppppp

You: oh my God I'm up love

Geesy: good. Isn't this movie moving hella slow

You: yes

You lay there listening to the movie for a while and you play with handros rings and bracelets and you go upstairs

Geesy: waaaaait no are you mad at me love I'm sorry

You: no baby I'm not I'm just tired it's okay, watch the movie then come up okay.

Geesy: no i dont wanna upset you so I'm gonna come with you

You: you won't papas its okay,

Geesy: but I wanna come

You: okay,

He follows you upstairs and he lays down lettingnyou lay on him and he kisses your head

Geesy:am I being clingy?

You: yes. And it's okay,

Geesy: I thought you hated me for it

You: I have 2 kids with you how could I hate you

Geesy: I dont know.

You: I dont baby I love you so much and it's okay. Youre excited and scared so it's normal. And I like it, I love spending time with you love.

Geesy: wow. Really?

You: are you on drugs.

Geesy: no.

You: I love you.

Geesy: I love you too,

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