Part 24: The witch, the queen and the frying pan.

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Slowly, Luka opened his eyes. He brought his hand in front of his face to shield his eyes after being blinded by a circle of light a few feet to the side of him. That circle seemed to be the only source of light. He couldn't see anymore in the darkness around him.
He exhaled exhausted. The emotional drain he had experienced in the cave had been too much and he felt a heaviness in his chest. He lowered his hand and was surprised when he unexpectedly felt it bump against hair.

His eyes opened wide and his breathing quickened as he became aware of several things at once.
The heaviness he was feeling wasn't just in his chest. Someone was lying over him. He could feel a pillow under his head and blankets over his body.
He laughed with tears in his eyes as he touched his own face, his body, and his bed.
He quickly pulled the covers off of him and confirmed with his hands that there was a pair of cat ears over the head resting on his chest.

"Adrien! Adrien!" Luka said happily, shaking his boyfriend's body.

"Pleeease... Five more minutes Simon,..." Chat Noir replied sleepily.

Luka smirked. "Adrien, your father has been waiting for you for ten minutes now." Luka said, trying to imitate the voice of the bodyguard.

Chat's eyes snapped open. He tried to jump out of bed, but his feet got tangled in the covers and he fell. Luka got out of bed and knelt beside Chat, rubbing his face and back.

"Luka?" Chat asked puzzled, sitting on his knees as well. A moment later he remembered everything. "We are alive??"

Luka nodded hugging him. With tears in his eyes, Chat was kissing over and over the side of Luka's face, his cheeks and finally his lips. They couldn't had felt happier and their hands of both of them were running over the body of the other.
Suddenly they were interrupted when the door to his room burst wide open. They quickly turned around and saw Jagged Stone there.
Jagged gasped when he saw the scene in front of his eyes. The only thing Luka wasn't wearing was a shirt, but the only thing Jagged's brain registered was seeing skin. He wanted to close the door immediately, but his hands did not find the door handle as his eyes were tightly shut. When he finally was able to close it Anarka came to his side.

"What's the matter?" Anarka asked when she saw the expression on his face.

"I thought you said Luka wasn't on the boat!" Jagged Stone said.

"He's back?! That's great! So it was not true that they had ran away." Anarka said, placing her hand on the door to knock.

"I heard noise... I thought it was a reporter who had gotten in... I opened the door and I saw them... I saw them!" Jagged said covering his eyes, shaking his head.

Anarka laughed, patting Jagged Stone on the shoulder.

"Luka?" Anarka said, knocking on the door.

Luka immediately opened the door and hugged his mother tightly.

"Luka!" Anarka said laughing.

"Adrien?" Jagged Stone said in surprise when he tentatively looked into the room.

Anarka turned to see Jagged and then into the room. Adrien was looking at them with a big smile on his face.
"Yes. Adrien." Anarka said. "Adrien is our son's boyfriend."

"But... Chat Noir...?" Jagged asked puzzled.

Luka ended the hug and turned to see Adrien, discreetly trying to tell him with his eyes that it had been a bad idea to de-transform.

"What about Chat Noir?" Anarka asked.

At that moment they heard someone turn on the shower in Luka's bathroom.

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