Part 21: Aglaonem.

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The first thing Adrien became aware of was the smell hitting his nose, it was intense.
He heard a voice that was saying something over and over again, but he did not understand.
He turned his head to avoid something he felt was put against his lips.

"What...? Lu-Luka? " Adrien said.

Suddenly, the image of Luka being devoured by the portal came back to him. With his heart full of fear, he opened his eyes. His breath shaking once more.

"Thanks to The Elders that you're fine!" Plagg said. "Adrien, don't you ever do this to me again! Next time you're going to do something like that, wait until your gorilla dad is around! Worrying is his thing, not mine! "

"Did it work?" Adrien said, running towards the crater left by the cataclysm.

"You achieved a cataclysm almost as strong as the ones I can do. You fool! You could have hurt yourself. " Plagg scolded him while he ate the piece of cheese that he had been offering him a few minutes ago.

Getting down on his knees, he felt the world falling down on him. He began to cry again when he saw that there was no portal. He felt a knot in his throat from the sadness and guilt. Guilt because possibly all of that could have been avoided if he had called Ladybug from the beginning.
Plagg flew up to him and hugged his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him.

"Ladybug..." Adrien told himself. "Plagg, claws out!"

Desperate he took his staff and used it to call Ladybug. Crying he was asking her to come back to help him, when suddenly he saw a small being flying towards him.
His height was comparable to that of a kwami, but his body was similar in proportions to a boy Adrien's age. His skin was greenish, and instead of hair he had a series of elongated grass-green leaves stained with a lighter shade of green. He was wearing a cream-colored sleeveless shirt and tan shorts. His wings were translucent and thin.

In awe from seeing such a being for the first time, Chat Noir was speechless for a moment.
"Aglaonem...?" Chat asked. The little flying being nodded. "You are so small..."

"Can you help me cross?! We can't leave him with that witch! Please!" Chat said, getting emotional again, using his staff to help himself to stand up.

"First thing..." Aglaonem said, raising both hands in front of him. "Do not call her a 'witch' in that disrespectful way. She is not famous for her patience,... In fact, when you have her in front of you, you would do well to remember to be very polite,... Unless you want to spend the rest of your days as a worm or something like that."

Worried, Chat turned to look at the crater he had made on the ground. He feared of what might be happening to Luka right then.

"Don't worry,... She won't do anything bad to him." Aglaonem said and Chat nodded sadly.

"Are you sure you want to go try to bring Luka back? It will not be easy... What is more, it will be almost impossible." He asked him in a serious tone.

"Of course I'm sure! I will do whatever they ask from me!" Chat said immediately.

"Very well." Aglaonem said nodding slowly. "I've seen some of the fights that you and Ladybug have had against Hawk Moth. I remember a boy with dark glasses and braided hair who could open portals. You will need the miraculous that gives you that power. "

Quickly Chat shrunk his staff and placed it on the ground, making it spin.
"But we have only opened portals that take us to another point right here in Paris."

"You've been needing to open your minds. I'm sure the miraculous' power will allow you to go to my world." The little fairy said.

Pulling the horse miraculous out, Chat Noir quickly put it on. "Plagg. Kaalki. Unify! "
PegaNoir stopped, thinking for a moment.

"What's the matter?" Aglaonem asked.

"It's just that... I don't know if it wouldn't be better to wait for Ladybug. This would not have happened if I had asked for her help."

"He already had Luka under his sight before we knew it. And not even with Ladybug's help could you had contained the portal's magic. On the other hand... We need to hurry. And believe me, it will be bad enough for one being like you to enter her domain. Now, two human super heroes? Forget about it. It would definitely be frowned upon by her." The fairy said.

PegaNoir nodded.

"Let's hurry." Aglaonem said. "Sit down and close your eyes. I will help you by projecting images of our world into your mind. Wait a minute, think of Luka, and then call the portal."

Chat closed his eyes. He then felt the fairy's little hands on his forehead.
In his mind he could clearly see images of an immense cavern.
He had to place both hands on the ground to keep himself from falling sideways because the vision was so clear it was as if he was actually floating high up.

Amazed he saw other beings like Luka, flying over the different sections of the cavern. Fairies with huge white wings, others with brown wings and others with wings of many colors.
He suddenly became aware of a presence next to him. He turned and saw a beautiful fairy flying next to him. Beautiful and fearsome at the same time. There was something about her that exuded power. The way her huge black wings flapped,... the intensity of her gaze,... the huge horns protruding from her long black hair.

"If you cross into our world..." The fairy said, slowly turning to look directly into his eyes. "I will never allow you to return to yours."

"Chat Noir, NO!! I'll be fine!" PegaNoir heard Luka yell.

Turning to look in front of him, he saw that he was no longer at the top of the cavern but in a more closed space of it. Luka was on his knees. Luka seemed not to see him as he looked around.

"Voyage!" PegaNoir screamed, sending a pulse of energy in front of him. The energy materialized in a portal a few feet from Luka.
PegaNoir opened his eyes and saw the portal shining in front of him. Without hesitation he launched himself into him.

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