Part 12: Dragon Noir.

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"Are you crazy! Don't do this! Just call Ladybug!" Plagg said as he held up an indigo blue piece of Camembert.

"I'm going to need help with that dragon. Yes. But I can still handle this by myself." Adrien said, leaning out to see, confirming that Luka was still floating high in the sky, while his dragon was flying in circles around him.
It seemed like the dragon was protecting him from Hawk Moth and the other person who had been speaking inside his mind, because he looked calm once again. He had been trying to talk to him, but every time he got close, the dragon lunged at him.

"Eat that camembert already, please." Adrien said.

"When you and Ladybug were experimenting with this technique, you couldn't master it! It is dangerous! Let's see,... remind me, what happened when you tried to combine my cataclysm with Wayzz's power of protection? " Plagg asked.

Adrien exhaled slightly annoyed. "I had tried to create a protective shield that would deliver a cataclysmic bolt if it was touched by an enemy, but instead a net with cataclysmic power shot out."

"And when Ladybug tried to combine the powers of Trixx and Pollen?" Plagg asked once more.

"Oh no, that one did work. The mirages managed to paralyze whoever touched them." Adrien said.

"Yeah, but she couldn't get those mirages to touch whoever she wanted them to touch!" Plagg replied. "And now you want to combine my cataclysm with Longg's dragons??! You are going to destroy half of Paris! You are not ready!"

"Sometimes you just can't wait to feel ready to jump into something. Have faith in me. That's my boyfriend up there. I will not fail!" Adrien said determined.

Plagg was about to reply once more, but he stopped, exhaled angrily, and ate the special camembert in one bite.

"Thanks." Adrien told him sincerely. After transforming into Astro Chat he placed his staff on the ground and spun it. The staff spun faster and faster until it appeared to be a gray plate on the ground. Chat Noir concentrated, and the center of that plate glowed green. Chat reached into that light and pulled out the dragon's miraculous, putting it on quickly.

"Plagg. Longg. Unify! " Chat Noir said.

Luka was floating over the park where he and Simon had seen him with that mysterious box. With each flap of his wings he was shedding feathers regularly over the park, causing the vegetation to expand towards the city.
With his cat vision he could see Luka suddenly opening his eyes and extending his arms. The dragon responded by flying differently. Not only protecting him but also causing the feathers to disperse further.

Chat saw a group of students, who had been taking selfies, run off when they saw the feathers approaching, but they were too slow and the feathers too fast.

"Please... let this work. Let this work, I really love this boy." Chat said, spreading his arms in front of him, his palms facing Luka's dragon. "Cataclysmic Dragon!"

From his hands came intense black energy that swirled around him a few times before rising to the sky and taking the form of a dragon.

"Okay. The first part worked." Chat said, breathing heavily from the effort, but happy.

Flying with the power he had been given by the special camembert, he headed towards Luka.
He exhaled in relief when he saw the dragon following him.

"Dragon, protect me. I need to get to Luka! " Chat screamed.

The dragon obeyed and began to block Luka's dragon's path.

"Luka! Wait!" Chat Noir said, moving as fast as he could to avoid being touched by the feathers.

"Chat! You changed your mind? Will you give me your ring?" Luka asked cheerfully.

"For you, I would give even my life." Chat said without realizing that he had spoken his thoughts out loud, distracted by the dragons fighting below. Luka's eyes opened wide in surprise at such words.

"Luka, I am in favor of ecology but you cannot go on transforming people into animals. Think of your mother, your sister, your friends!" Chat said.

"Stop! I need you to give me your ring or Hawk Moth will take away from me the strength to do all this and no! I can't... It's better this way! I wouldn't be able to bear again the... " Luka said, but he stopped.

"The what? What could you not bear again? Talk to me!" Chat said, taking Luka's hands in his.

Luka quickly released himself from Chat's grasp, bringing his left hand against his chest. His right hand was rubbing his left.

"Did I hurt you? I didn't mean to. Sorry." Chat said surprised as he had not held Luka's hands that tightly that he could hurt him.

"I had forgotten that..." Luka told himself. He turned to see Chat with disappointment in his eyes. "If you are not with me, then you leave me no choice but to take your ring by force."

Chat opened his mouth to speak, but didn't have time to, he had to move immediately as Luka threw a series of feathers at him.
From his back, Chat pulled his staff out to help himself avoid being transformed.

"Luka, stop! I'm really on your side! No matter how difficult the problem you have may seem, I will never leave you alone! I will help you with whatever you need until the end." Chat yelled.

Luka stopped throwing feathers at him. Chat saw him narrowing his eyes as if he were considering his words. A loud roar from the dragons behind him made Chat turn around.

When he turned once more to face the front, he saw, as if in slow motion, a feather approaching him. It was already a few inches away, so close he couldn't deflect it in time with his staff.

Chat turned to see Luka. There was no triumph in his eyes, but sincere sadness. On his lips Chat could read the words "I'm sorry." The feather struck against Chat's chest and immediately he felt the magic of the feather begin to transform him.

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