Part 23: Farewell.

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"What do you mean by that? The price to pay will be everything?" Luka asked.

"If you accept the deal, you will live in his world. But to do so you must lose your wings. All your powers." Maleficent said.

"Okay. I agree." Luka said.

Maleficent smiled. "I'm afraid it's not as simple as putting on a bracelet again. To make it permanent, I will have to modify... remake your essence."

"Maleficent!" Diaval said suddenly. "You cannot be serious!"

"SILENCE! They said they were willing to give everything, didn't they?" Maleficent said.

"You're talking about killing him!" Dial said.

"WHAT?! NOOO! " Adrien said.

"Not kill. Reborn. Luka must be reborn as a human." Maleficent said.

Luka and Adrien turned to see each other.

"What? Doubts already? So soon?" Maleficent said, smiling.

"Wait. If Luka has to be born again... I will be an adult by the time Luka is this age again!" Adrien said.

"No, because I will do the same with you." Maleficent said.

Stepping in front of Adrien, Luka spread his arms and wings to protect him.
"It's a trick to separate us!"

Plagg and Kaalki flew in front of both of them.

Annoyed, Maleficent ignored the kwami and with a slight wave of her hand she sent them flying to the side.
"I will make you reborn in the same place. If your feelings for each other are true love, then you have nothing to fear. You will meet again and live together, without interference from me. I promise." Maleficent said.

Adrien and Luka looked at each other.

"Consider it a final test on what you say you feel for each other." Maleficent added.

"Yes, sure. Because breaking the curse on his bracelet with a true love kiss hadn't proved that already. " Aglaonem said. He quickly covered his mouth when he realized he had spoken his thoughts out loud.

"Luka... you know her. Is she telling the truth? Would she let us be together if we agree?" Adrien asked.

"WHAAAT??!!! Have you lost your mind? Adrien, you can't do it! You can't let her do that to you! " Plagg said flying towards them, clinging to Adrien's shirt.

Adrien stroked him to try to reassure him. He saw the kwami's eyes open wide in fear when Luka nodded.

"Yes. I think she will really let us be together if we accept." Luka whispered.

"NO! Don't do it! Do not accept! There must be another way!" Plagg said hitting Adrien's chest with his tiny fists.

Adrien had never seen Plagg crying before. He felt a deep sadness to think that he would never see him again.
Then Simon, Nino, Alya and the rest of his friends crossed his mind.

"Could I..." Adrien said, trying to keep his voice steady. "Could I go say goodbye to my friends first?"

"From this place you will only leave to the nearest human town in this world or to your world after getting reborn." Maleficent said firmly.

"And a phone call? Can I transform to make a phone call?" Adrien said.

"I don't know what that is. As long as you don't leave this place, I allow it." Maleficent said.

Story of a first kiss.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ