Chapter 1: The BigBang(PD)

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Laying on this soft but firm mattress, staring into his deep brown mirror-like eyes, I wonder what on earth I'm going to do with him? He smiles at me ; the end of his lips reaching high up his face, which makes me feel guilty as soon i think i have to let this angel fall.My angel.His prideful self has gotten to him and spread all throughout encroaching upon,and tangling around his heart like the vines of a rose bush.I think it might affect our relationship. I am proud of him, watching his progress.However, he is prouder than I am of him.Who knows what he could do with whatever he has in his tight grasp, hence why I have to let him fall. Whatever he has, he is holding it too tightly, I think it might break. Park Jinyoung, what will I do with you?

20 Years Later...

Narrators POV:
Twenty years had passed since that day.To say Hitman Bang didn't miss JYP would be a lie.However, he did not regret his decision,nor would he ever.Anyway he'd moved on since then,gotten married-had a daughter.

Jinyoung was not just angry,  in fact he was seething with rage.Although,he could not show this rage and vision of revenge as if he let that come to light who knew what else would surface...

Uselessly thrown,cast aside like rubbish or something you'd find on the underside of your shoe.I won't be cast astray so easily after all who are they to make that decision? Who is BangPD to send me away? A bad decision really.After all, I'm way more powerful then they'll ever be.They'll see.They will all see once I enlist the help of all the outcasted soul's down here - I will really shake up the game.After all... I'm JYP! The greatest man to ever exist ; no mere mortal can resist me nor any powerless god.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 10, 2022 ⏰

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