Prologue: The Fall

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Heaven.Hell.Both are such strong concepts,that affect our society.But what are they?In many myths and legends demons are red men with horns and fangs that possess others to commit sins and ultimate acts of evil.

However,here they are beautiful people which attract anyone and everyone.Their features are inhuman.They're mysterious and a red aura follows them.They're fallen angels.Angels who have committed a sin and in the eyes of god cannot be redeemed-not yet anyway-they're forbidden to ever step foot in God's land again.

What are angels?Angels are people who've been blessed and live a life of purity and innocence.They are easily forgiven and live a life of ease in utopia.

Heaven is a bliss utopia full of bright white buildings,clean pavements,zero crime and angel's only wear light colours and everyone lives under the rule of BangPD.The music is  full of innocence and people like to spend their days fulfilling bucket lists,picnicking in nearby parks or painting etcetera.

Hell on the other hand,is a world full of anarchy and fear,crime never sleeps; after all there's no rest for the wicked am I right?The streets are dark and grimy and random outbursts of spontaneous combustion and flames take place down alley ways.People spend their days carrying out tasks set by their  dictator JYP and if not doing that they're usually seen gambling at casinos.The music is dark and often hip hop involving themes like greed etcetera.The demons there dress in bright reds or blacks as well as other dark colours.They live out miserable lives forever haunted by the wrong doings of their past lives

Everyone is born into heaven but,it's what you do in your time there that decides your fate.By the time you come to your untimely death you either ascend to rebirth if you've been good or can in some cases be granted immortality within heaven.But if you've done only malevolent deeds within your life span your forced to descend to hell.

However,every year we see increasingly more and more angels fall; this is called the fall.They fall to the wrath of Satan better known by his name JYP (Jinyoung Park Ceo of JYP ent).He was our god's most prized angel-Our god known whose name is BangPD-until one day BangPD found that JYP loved himself to much that he had become narcissistic committing the sin of pride,he was given the chance to redeem himself but in selfish rage he carried on developing his god complex.Committing more and more sins BangPD forbade him to ever step foot in heaven again sending him to the fiery depths of hell.Along with that, we see more and more hell refugees begging for forgiveness in heaven.Yet all are shunned away.

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