dark forest creepy citadel (🎃 special)

78 2 0

October 29, 2017 6:00 pm

the Walmart supermarket

Blip was getting some decorations for tomorrow's Halloween along with Ton-Ton, Skya and Eruptor.

Blip: not that

skya goes to the other wall art

Blip: that

Skya takes the decoration and puts it in the trunk of Ton-Ton

Eruptor: what to us

Booger: this

Booger arrives with about 10 bags of 3 kilos sweets and puts it on top of Ton-Ton and a few minutes later everyone leaves the supermarket that it was already afternoon and walks to the parking lot to and from the mixfasted and while they walk they talk

Dom-Dom: hey by the way why are we getting all these things?

Blip: for Halloween

Skya: and what is Halloween?

Blip: Halloween is where you dress up and get candy but it's also about scaring

Booger: a very short and stupid, what this is about is ... * (his mixphone rings) * hello

Jet-vac (mixphone): they already got things done

Booger: of course

Jet-vac: ok everyone go back to the academy we don't have much time

Booger: okay

hang up his phone

Blip: hey Booger how you feel about the bone you broke

Booger: better thanks if I recovered yesterday

they arrive at the mixfasted and they put the things

Blip: I had a doubt this doubt about the dinotrux when Ty, Eruptor and you had broken their bones

Skya: and what is it?

Blip: how can a dinotrux have bones if it is a dinosaur made of metal and more if it has a chain?

Skya: I don't know what a dinosaur is but what you call bones for us, dinotrux are special pieces that allow us to move our body parts and other pieces that we have serve to help us in other things

Blip: oohh and if those pieces will be played by someone

Skya: we would not move

Blip: oohh

Booger: Well let's go

they all went up to the mixfasted they go to the academy but before they stopped at a costume shop Blip get some costumes and they go

29 / October / 2017 7:00 pm

all the combine fighters and the skylanders decorated the academy and when they finish the combine fighters they go home playing a board game at the mixels-team house but Blip and Ton-Ton were in a race on their race tracks and they finished

Ton-Ton: hey and that halloween is fun

Blip: you didn't hear when we were at the supermarket I said it's about having fun

Dom-Dom: but you said it's about scaring

Blip: did you understand, I said that it is also about scare

Ton-Ton: ohh

they leave the track

Blip: for example, I'll dress up as a cowboy zombie

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