Movie!Bri and Game!Bri differences

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-She's a lesbian instead of a bisexual like her game counterpart.

-Has a crush on Astrid and is her bodyguard....sometimes. Mostly she just does whatever.

-Somehow knows about Oliver and his adventure, so maybe a reincarnation or something?

-Actually keeps her accent.

-Unlike her game counterpart, she doesn't go to Ichi No Kuni until a bit before the events of the movie, and that was by accident instead of on purpose.

-Doesn't really like Yu and Haru that much, thinking they're weaklings. But she likes to mess with them.

-Has movie only attacks in her moveset except Evenstar. Nobody knows how she learned this, but it's probably through the knowledge of her game counterpart (i.e Oliver's adventure.)

Movie!Bri will DEFINITELY try to get under your skin and piss you off. In other words, she's more annoying than Game!Bri.

-Movie!Bri accepted royalty while Game!Bri didn't.

Movie!Bri is also a Great Sage (are they still around?) and accepted it, unlike her game counterpart who wants nothing to do with it.

-Therefore Movie!Bri is probably more powerful than Game!Bri, but that's speculation.

-Movie!Bri's parents are not mentioned during the movie, so she's probably an orphan like her game counterpart or they're in the castle somewhere.


-Can be a little more stand-offish than her movie counterpart.

-Game!Bri was susceptible to bullying while her move counterpart IS the bully.

-Game!Bri is bisexual instead of lesbian.

-Game!Bri is more innocent than Movie!Bri.

-Game!Bri joins the bad people and makes friends with them (kinda not her fault) while her movie counterpart is...questionably good. Like she's mostly good but might do something bad every once in a while, instead of all the time.

Game!Bri cares about Oliver and his friends and the fairies while her movie counterpart only cares about Astrid and a couple fairies. (Drippy be mad oopsie.)

-Game!Bri can never win at chess while Movie!Bri is really good at it, probably because the royals would play it all the time.

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