Bri and Dark!Bri Facts/Differences

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(Don't know if Dark!Bri's make sense in canon so semi-canon/AU)


-One of her eyes is purple until her Nighmare is defeated, which hints that the Nightmare is inside her heart. Basically it was replaced by her pieces of heart that Shadar took. It also means that the Nightmare is the reason for Bri's destructive behavior during the game, but that's just speculation. :)

-If Oliver uses Take Heart on Dark!Bri, he'll end up with either nothing or a piece of darkness.

-She'll try to fix her wand, with no success. :(

-Dark!Bri might take over during the main story, but only with dialogue changes so people don't suspect anything. Keep an eye out for that. :)

-It's debatable on wether Dark!Bri actually serves Shadar/The White Witch or not.

-Don't fight her. P L E A S E  D O N ' T  F I G H T  H E R.

-Also don't mention ANYTHING about Bri being/not being a Great Sage. That is a MAJOR trigger and she will probably kill you, or relentlessly attack you. Probably because it reminds her of Allie who is also a trigger.

-Bri's...well she doesn't know what happens to her when Dark!Bri takes over. She's just kinda...there.

-Dark!Bri is less sympathetic and doesn't care about Swaine or Oliver.

-She can hypnotize familiars and (rarely) people with her purple eye to do her bidding. She uses this in battle too.


-Familiars don't like her because...Shadar.

-Since she destroyed Xanadu, Bri's been unknowingly brokenhearted for 5+ years. o.o

-Bri never got the chance to call Allie mom... 🥺

-Bri tried to rule Hamelin once. Marcassin put a stop to that really quick.

-Bri likes to make Alec angry on purpose. She finds it funny, but she wouldn't dare do that to her Sensei though. o.o

-Bri's not always able to use light attacks. They either don't work or backfire, or on the rare occasion it somehow works.

-If Oliver uses Take Heart on Bri, he'll either end up with nothing or a piece of darkness.

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