A bunch of Incorrect Quotes II

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Bri: Why are you smiling?

Esther: What? Can't I just be happy?

Lee: Swaine tripped and fell in the parking lot.


Lee: Do I look straight?

Bri: Not in the slightest.

Lee: No, I meant my parking job.

Bri: Oh, in that case then yes, it's fine.


Swaine: How do you ask what a glass of water is doing?

Marcassin: A glass of water is an inanimate object and is therefore incapable of having a thought process, or understanding basic English.


Swaine: Water you doing?


Policeman: What are your names?

Lynx: Don't tell him, Swaine.

Policeman: *Writing down* Swaine.

Swaine: Nice job, Lynx.

Policeman: Swaine and Lynx.

Swaine: fRICK.


Swaine: You know you've made it when you see your picture everywhere you go.

Esther: Swaine...those are wanted posters.


(At the police station.)

Oliver, acting tough: What are you here for?

Person: I killed eleven people.

Oliver: E-Eleven?

Person: What are you here for?

Oliver, tearing up: J-Jaywalking.


Lee: I'm gay.

Bri: Water is wet. Esther is talented. Swaine is hot.

Lee: What?

Bri: Sorry, I thought we were listing obvious things.

Swaine: Did you say I'm hot?


(At a restaurant)

Bri: I want my steak rare.

Oliver: How do you get rare steak?

Oliver: Do rare cows exist?

Bri: *Smacking herself with the menu.*


Teacher: Bri, the assignment was to bring in something that is important to you.

Bri: Yeah.

Teacher: I meant an object, Bri, not Swaine.


Lucy: You know, you can solve your problems without violence.

Bri: Okay, but consider: I'm really, really good at violence.

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