A bunch of incorrect quotes XII

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Bri: I love you. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me.

Swaine: I'm the best thing that's ever happened to you?

Bri: Yes.

Swaine: ...I fell a little bit sorry for you.


Lucy: Bri came after me, but I was more than a match for her!

Lee: Meaning?

Lucy: I hid.


Bri: I hate him!

Esther: Then you might send mixed signals by making out with him.


Bri: Bye Swaine! Bye Oliver! Bye Esther! Bye Swaine!

Oliver: You said Swaine twice.

Bri: I like Swaine.


Drippy: I would never say this to Oliver's face, but he is a wonderful friend and a gifted leader.

Esther: Why-why wouldn't you say that to his face?


Oliver: Bri isn't answering her phone.

Swaine: I'll call.

Oliver: Lee and I have both tried six times each, what makes you think-

Bri: Hello?


Bri: I have feelings for you.

Swaine: Ah.

Swaine: Really?

Swaine: Why?

Swaine: What is wrong with you?


Drippy, stubbing his toe: Ow! Son of a bi-

Bri, pointing at Oliver: Children!

Drippy: Biscuit. Son of a biscuit.

Bri: Nice save.

Drippy: Yeah! Fucking nailed it!


Allie: Not every problem can be solved with a knife.

Bri: I know.

Bri: That's why I carry two knives.


Alec: So Bri, where did you get your driver's license?

Bri: My what?

Lynx, in the backseat: I need to get out of this car-


Bri: Any knife is a pocket knife if you can fit it in your pocket.


Bri: Let's be friends!

Swaine: I don't do 'friends'.

Bri: :(

Swaine: ...Ugh, fine.

Bri: :)


Lee: Is there any way we can stop her from being cheerful?

Valentine: I don't think there's a force in the universe that can stop Lucy from being cheerful.


Bri: Do you know anything about huge explosions? Specifically, how to make one?

Ruby: Explosions? What is this for?

Bri: Fun.


Swaine: So how did you convince Bri to betray us? What did you offer her?

Ruby: I asked her if she wanted to embarrass you, and she instantly said yes.


Oliver: I think you should play the role of my father.

Swaine: I don't want to be your father.

Oliver: Perfect. You already know your lines.

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