Dating Lee Would Include

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(Here we go again...)

-Avoiding Castaway Cove because that's where her ex Hailey lives. :(

-Helping Lee with alchemist stuff.

-Eventually you remind Lee to give the cauldron back to Bri, then Lee has to get a new one.

-Her flirting with you quite a bit, though she might stop if you ask. MIGHT.

-Her showing you what magic she uses.

-She LOVES PDA. Like PDA is her other best friend or something. Kisses, hugs, whatever, she doesn't care.

-Although she doesn't do cuddles a lot for some reason.

-Helping her annoy the hell out of Bri.

-Going shopping for the parts she needs, or just going shopping in general.

-Drinking games.

-Scouting the world for good alcohol to add to her collection.

-Hanging out at the casino.

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