17➟ In which I girl boss a villain.

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After about a month of physical training, they started training me with Delphi. Something about increasing our abilities by bouncing off of each other. The trainers realised that we worked well together, though they kept on warning us to not get too comfortable with our new dynamic, I think that we were too excited by the fact that we had someone to work with to think about when this arrangement would end. Now, we'd been working together for 6 months.

It was strange when I think about it, how two completely different people got on so well with each other. I think it boiled down to the fact that we were both in the same situation and that we'd finally found someone to relate to in such an isolated place.

"On your left!" I heard Delphi in my head and skidded to my right. His quirk had all of these little extras and additions, I'd found out. His main quirk, of course, was mind reading, that was a given. He was literally named after one of the most famous oracles in history. Although he couldn't predict the future, he could deduce movements from the thoughts in people's heads. He could also communicate directly, without actually speaking and force memories to replay in people's minds.

It made me wonder why they still wanted me when they had someone as powerful as Delphi.

My quirk was mental too.

Nightmares, or, as the commission called me 'Ephialtes'.

The name was pretty on the nose when you thought about it.

I could, if I wanted to, make people's nightmares appear in front of them and only them. It was almost like an illusion, except for the fact that it only appeared to me and the person it was directed at. In all honesty, it was nowhere near as powerful as the commission must've believed it to be. 

The training facility we were in was a long courtyard-like outdoor section, with a large metal guard covering the open top. It was filled with what I imagined were supposed to be building debris. There were smaller buildings that we could enter if we needed to. But right now, we were in a villain threat simulation and they were covering a widespread area.

I continued to run, following the clearest pathway I could make out, keeping my ears open for the potential threats nearby.

Delphi's warning had split the two of us, but I could still feel a part of him in my head, "Where are you, Clairvoyance Kid?" I mumbled, knowing that he could still hear me.

"Two roads to your left when I last checked... and don't call me that."

Ignoring him, I continued forward, "I see an opening up ahead, I'll catch up with you in a bit." As the road approached, I got ready to turn, catching sight of Delphi just a few paces ahead, "Alright kid?"

The two of us stopped and he nodded, "I think the villain's a few blocks ahead to our left, you see anything?"

I shook my head, "I didn't see anything, but I heard them- I think you're right. If we get closer, we can get a better scope of what we're dealing with."

He nodded, "We've got to speed up though- and I've got a time to beat."

I rolled my eyes, "You and your times."

"Hey! I'm working on my skills."

"Sure you are, or do you just want to beat me?" I teased as we started forward.

"That was a glitch!"

"No, no I don't think so," I smirked.

In no time at all, we were able to see what the commission was setting us up against.

"No, that can't be right," I said to no one in particular, turning to Delphi, I could see his face mirroring my expression, "You've got to be kidding me," I cursed under my breath, throwing myself and Delphi behind a nearby wall.

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