Bonus Chapter

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Malachi POV 

"When this is over I don't know what will happen. You're right about knowing too much. They would never hurt you but the council can't and won't just let you go. The easiest solution would be to keep you at Larkspur because you're used to them and they're used to you. But I can see how, after everything, you would feel trapped here," a twig breaks somewhere around us, and my head snaps towards the sound.

But everything seems still. My eyes move along the trees and I notice a scent on the breeze that I can't place. It's something that doesn't belong here, that's for sure and when I figure out why, it's too late.

Pain erupts in my side and I gasp as a hand is placed on my shoulder. I don't have time to tell her to run, to get help. She looks so innocent watching me with wide, scared eyes.

I shouldn't have brought her out here, but it's too late.

I can hear Mia screaming, crying for me, but I can't move. The pain is too intense. He's alone, that I am certain, but I can't fight him. Not wounded anyway and if he knows he hasn't killed me yet, I won't be so lucky next time.

I keep my eyes closed, fighting every protective instinct in me. Mia is fighting him off and a sense of pride wells within me. She's trying to get away, trying to get to me and I want to calm her, tell her I'm okay at least for now.

But the pain is intense and I can't save us. As much as it hurts to admit, I know he won't kill her, not yet anyway. He needs Mia alive for the ceremony. It's not much hope, but it's something.

It takes a lot of effort to keep quiet when I feel my cloak being ripped off of me. My body rolling from the force. Mia whimpers, the sound nearly breaking me but any chance to save her depends on me staying quiet, on me not being killed.

She's quiet and I can hear the sound of his footsteps getting further and further away. I peek my eyes open, watching as Mia is carried away, limp over his shoulder.

I'm sorry, Mia. I won't leave you, I think, twisting into a different position.

"Help!" My voice is weak but I can smell wolves nearby, the sound of their paws hitting the ground becoming clearer, "I'm over here!"

"Malachi?!" Jax appears next to me, worry etched in his face as he takes in what feels like an entire lake of blood, "Shit," he mutters and I know the injury just looks severe, it feels even worse, but he needs to know about Mia.

"Jax," I grab his shirt pulling him close, not caring that my hands are bloody, "He was here, on your land. He got Mia!" my hands drop to my side, my eyelids feeling heavy suddenly.

"Fan out and search the grounds, Now!" Jax commands, the power of an Alpha coating his words before he looks at me, "We'll find her, hold on,"


I gasp, fresh air filling my lungs like a man-deprived as I bolt upright. My hand flies to my chest, my heartbeat tapping away at a fast beat as I pant for air.

There is arguing in the next room that stops suddenly. I twist, my hand running along my side feeling the puckered skin, a new scar to add to my collection. 

But that's not important. Mia is what's important and who knows how much time has already been wasted. I remember telling Jax that she was taken, but did it make sense to him? I was in pain so maybe it didn't make sense. I've gotta move, gotta find out.

I stand, groaning at the stiffness in my body. I'm only wearing a pair of shorts, ones I'm pretty sure I wasn't wearing before, and I look around for a shirt when the door flies open.

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