Do You Love Me? (Conner x Reader)

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Connor and I had been dating for quite some time now, and I love him, but I know he loves someone else. M'gann M'orzz. The alien from Mars. I want Connor to be happy, but I can't help but feel jealous everytime I see them near each other.

"Babe," Connor said quietly as his head rested atop mine.

"Mhm," I groan tilting my head slightly up at him.

"You okay?" He asks me.

"Do you love me?" I ask him looking straight into his eyes.

"What do you mean," Connor responds avoiding the question.

"Do you love me?" I repeat again.

"Of course I do. I love you." He says caressing my cheek with his hand.

I bury my head in his chest and whisper quietly, "Not as much as you love M'gann."

"'Not as much as I love M'gann?'" Connor says shocked. Shoot. I forgot he has super hearing.

"Uh nothing," I say. I wiggle myself out of his embrace and start walking towards the zeta tubes.

"Y/n wait," Connor calls out grabbing my arm, "Why would you even think that? You know I love you. That's never going to change."

"Do you really believe that?" I ask, "I see the way you look at M'gann, the way you act around her, the way you treat her."

"The way who acts around me?" I hear a voice from behind me. I mentally sigh knowing the voice, and turn around to see M'gann standing there. Of course it had to be her, especially at a time like now.

"Hey M'gann. It's nothing by the way," Connor says as a small blush forms on his cheeks.

"Point proven," I mumble only loud enough for Connor. I push myself past M'gann and zeta myself to Central City. There isn't really anything for me there, it's just an escape from the cave. I know places like this aren't that safe, but I'm a superhero, so I should be okay.

I step out of the zeta tube and start walking. I don't know where I'm going. Just going somewhere far away from here, somewhere Connor won't be able to follow. I quickly pick up my pace knowing Connor may start following me close behind. I don't even realize how far I've gone until I take a break and look up seeing the sun set before me at the waterfront.

I sign dangling my feet off the edge of the dock watching the sun slowly emerge itself into the water, then disappear. Rolling my head back I close my eyes and take a deep breath, and when I open them, there is Connor, sitting beside me on the docks.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, "Shouldn't you be with M'gann right now?"

"Y/n, I'm meant to be with you okay? Please you have to believe me. I am my best when I'm with you. You make me the happier than anyone else," Connor says grabbing my left hand and holding it with both of his. I look away and pull my hand back towards myself.

"Is this what M'gann told you to do?"

"It's not Y/n. I love you. I really do. You're my everything," he tells me, "Nothing is going to change that."

"But you love her," I say back.

"Can't you hear me?" he says, raising his voice a bit, "I love you, not her."

"You keep telling yourself that but we know it's not true."

"Just listen to me!" Connor yells, grabbing my shoulders.

"Don't. Touch. Me," I spit out, "You are only like this with me. You only lose your temper with me. Not with her, with me. You don't love me, you love her. It always has been her and it always will be her." I get up from my spot and start walking away from Connor and from the edge of the docks. Tears start to form in my eyes, but I know this is for the best. It's better to not be in a relationship than be in one with someone who loves someone else, I tell myself. I turn around and give one last look to Connor sitting there alone, before continuing to walk away from him and all of his words.

They have been the truth. But they may have been lies. I guess now we'll never know.

A/n: Yay finally posted something in a long time! Sorry guys I kinda forgot about this. I might stop it soon though.

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