Cheater (Kid Flash x Reader)

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I am just taking a peaceful walk around Central City when my phone rings. I groan looking at the I.D. tag and see that it is my best friend (b/s/f/n).

"What's up?" I answer.

"Get your ass to the cafe on main street now!" they practically yell.

"Why?" I ask pretty confused.

"Just do it already," they say in a somewhat panicky tone. I quickly rush into an empty alley way, imagine the cafe on main street, and teleport myself there. I pop up right beside (b/s/f/n) who jumps a little at the sight of me.

"You're getting good at this," they say.

"Thanks!" I smile, "Now what was so important that I had to teleport here?"

They sigh, "Look." (B/s/f/n) then points to one of the tables at the cafe. And there, peacefully sitting on a date, is my boyfriend, Wally West aka Kid Flash, with Artemis. After getting over my initial shock, I take out my phone and take a picture of them together holding hands.

I turn to (b/s/f/n" as I say, "Thanks for telling me this. I owe you." I'm about to walk away hoping there's some explanation to this, when I see them kiss. Once again I take out my phone and snap another picture of them before teleporting to the apartment that Wally and I share. I pop around the room getting my stuff and putting it into a duffel bag. Right now, I feel more angry than sad so I start taking pictures and smashing them on the ground. Then taking my duffel bag in my right hand, I close my eyes and imagine the Bat Cave. I pop up in the cave right beside Nightwing, who was typing on the holographic computer. But once he sees me standing there, he jumps and quickly gets into a fighting stance before realizing it's just me.

"Hey," I say stifling a laugh.

"Jeez (y/n)," Dick says, "No matter how many times you teleport beside me, it always takes me by shock."

I laugh a little before he asks, "What are you doing here anyways? We don't have a mission yet."

"Well, I was wondering if I could stay at the manor for the time being," I ask him

"Sure, we have tons of extra rooms, but why?"

I avoid his eye contact as I say, "(B/s/f/n) called me earlier to get to their location, and we saw Wally on a date with Arty." I take my phone out of my duffle bag then show the pictures to a surprised Dick, who immediately engulfs me in a hug.

"Come on," he says, "I'll show you to the guest room and I'm sure Bruce will understand."

"Thank you so much!" I say before picking up my bad and following him out of the cave. On the way up the stairs, I hear Dick muttering things like, "how could he do that," or "I'm gonna kill him," or "how dare he hurt (y/n)"

I just keep staring at the ground until Dick announces, "We're here."

"Woah," I gasp, "This room is huge."

"Yup," he nods, "Although it's actually one of the smaller ones we have."

"I look at him with eyes wide and Dick says, "I'll let you settle in for now. I'll come by later if we need to head to Mount Justice."

"Got it," I tell him, "Thanks for all this, again."

He smiles and says, "Of course (n/n) what else are friends for!" He then closes the door, and I walk up to the bed and sigh, placing my duffel bag near the foot of the bed. I push myself up on the bed and lie down before falling asleep. A couple hours later, I slowly wake up to the sound of the door opening.

"Hey (y/n)-," Dick starts before looking up, "Oh sorry. I didn't mean to wake you, but we are needed at Mount Justice. I'll meet you in five." I nod as I get out of bed and change into my hero costume. On the way down the stairs, I feel my palms start to get sweaty. Probably because I'm extremely nervous about seeing Wally. Like what am I suppose to say, 'Hey babe, I'm currently rooming with your bestfriend until you come clean to me about cheating with Artemis?!' I try to shove all thought away as I see Dick in his Nightwing outfit waiting for me.

"Ready?" he asks.

"Yup," I reply, "Kinda nervous. But ready."

"I'm sure everything's going to be fine," he says reassuringly.

I roll my eyes, "Like Wally's not gonna notice all my stuff missing and broken picture frames everywhere."

Dick puts a hand on my shoulder saying, "Knowing Wally, he either hasn't gone back to your apartment yet, doesn't realize your missing stuff, or thinks someone broke in and stole your stuff while trashing the place. He's too full of himself to even imagine you caught him cheating." He side hugs me as I smile and we walk through the zeta tube. My smile drops as we arrive seeing that most of the team is already there, including Wally. Nightwing and I walk to the middle of the room while I purposely avoid any eye contact with Wally.

Nightwing pulls up a holographic image as he starts to say, "The Justice League has recently heard about a new Krolotean base located somewhere in Bialya. (Y/s/h/n), Aqualad, Miss M, SB, and I are going to be Alpha. Our job is to first check it out then close all the zeta tubes to make sure no more Kroloteans can get through. On Beta is Artemis, Robin, La'gaan, and Impulse. Your job is to sneak around their base to see if they have any hostages, then to get them out of there as quick as possible. Lastly on Gamma is Beast Boy, Blue Beetle and Kid Flash. The three of you will wait on the bioship unless we call for backup. Everyone understand their jobs?" We all nod.

"Good," Kaldur says, "Let's head out. Alpha take the Super Cycle everyone else on the bioship."

On the way to the hangar I feel a hand on my shoulder and a voice say," Hey (y/n)!"

I turn around and see my so-called boyfriend, "Hey...Wally. Look, I gotta go right now. I'll catch up with you later ok" He nods and slouches his shoulders as I continue walking to the Super Cycle.

"You all good?" Nightwing asks me.

"Yup," I respond, "Let's go blow somethings up!"

Time skip

For once, the mission actually turned out really well. Their were no hostages or Kroloteans there. Only five zeta tubes, which was great because each one of us in Alpha, got to blow one up. This whole mission in Bialya felt more like a team bonding exercise then a mission at all. On the way back to Mount Justice, we were all just joking around and having fun that I almost forgot that Wally cheated on me.

When we got back to the cave, most of the team had already gone home, so it was just up to Alpha to give Batman the mission report. Surprisingly, Batman took the news of no Kroloteans really well, and even congratulated us. Which is something that never happens. I was about to zeta myself back to the Batcave with Nightwing, when an arm dragged me into another room.

"What do you want Wally?" I sigh, my mood dropping by whole levels.

"What do I want?" Wally repeats, "You've been ignoring me all day! You haven't kissed me or even called me babe at all!" I roll my eyes and cross my arms.

"Well, I don't know," I start, "I thought, you know, maybe you would want to do that with Artemis instead." I feel my eyes start to cloud with tears, but I blink a couple times to push them away.

"H-how'd y-you find out?" he asks stammering in shock.

I slap him across the face before yelling, "The two of you were on a date and kissing outside! Did you just expect (b/s/f/n) and I not to care?! I even have proof if you try to deny it." I take out my phone and show Wally the picture of him and Artemis kissing.

His eyes start to cover in tears as I say, "We're done Wally. I never want to talk to you again unless it's hero business.

I turn around and start walking to the zeta tubes when Wally calls my name, "(Y/n), baby, please. I'm sorry. You can't leave me."

I face him one last time and say, "Actually, yes I can."

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