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Mon, 29th August,2022

Namjoon's POV

"Are you okay?" Angel asked me as she held my hand tighter.

I nod in response, not looking at her. I haven't been to therapy for over a month since Mrs. Harris wasn't in the state but when she arrived last week, I got the call to meet with her today.

I was nervous because I know after telling her everything that happened with my father, my mother was going to be the next topic.

Every session we've had, my mother was never really talked about since Mrs. Harris wanted me to speak about my main issues which was with Young-ho but now that I am growing and changing, I need to face my next fear.

"What if I can't go through with it?" I mumbled softly asking Angel.

She sighs. "I don't really have an answer because I have no idea what you're going through." she replies with sadness lacing her voice.

She was right. She lost both of her parents but at least she had them a part of her life until the end. I know it probably hurts that she has to see me suffer this much when she has already been through enough.

"But I know if I got the chance to speak to my mom again, I wouldn't hesitate to see her because I would want to hear her side." she says and I turn to look at her. "It's your decision when you feel ready. I'll be here to help you through it all in the meantime." she assures me as a small smile forms on her lips.

I can feel my body relax after hearing those words. No matter how scared I felt, she was always there to calm me down and pull me back to reality.

I gently rubbed my thumb on the back of her hand. "I honestly don't know what I would do without you."

She smiles. "Probably die." She joked and I laughed.

Just like that, every thought I had disappeared and all I could focus on was happy we were. I never thought it would be possible to love someone this much but being with her proved me wrong. Angel was all I needed and more and I couldn't be more thankful for the heavens blessing me with her.

The door opens, making both of us turn to its direction. Mrs. Harris walked in with a bright smile on her face like always.

"Hi guys." She greets us as she walks over to her seat.

"Hi Mrs. Harris. It's nice to see you again." Angel smiled.

"As always Angel. You look lovely." Mrs. Harris said before turning to me. "You seem happier Namjoon. That makes me happy." she says.

I smiled. "I am getting there." I say and she nods.

She then begins to talk with us. She asked us about the past few weeks and how we were doing. Angel usually spoke first when she was here giving Mrs. Harris majority of the details of the events that occurred so that when it was my turn, I could focus on explaining my feelings during those moments.

Angel told her about my father's appearance at the dinner that happened last month and the news about his marriage. She wasn't happy to hear about it but she wasn't surprised.

Angel continues to explain that most of the time we were occupied with my brother's wedding and how it turned out amazing. She smiled as she listened to Angel's rant. Mrs. Harris knew my brother also had his fair share of scars so I'm sure she felt proud of what he accomplished.

"They're currently on vacation in Hawaii for their honeymoon and yeah that's basically all that happened." Angel finished explaining.

Mrs. Harris smiled. "Well first off, send my congratulations and well wishes to the happy couple." she says and we nod.

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